Chapter 3
Using the PID Control Toolkit
National Instruments Corporation
LabWindows/CVI PID Control Toolkit User Manual
The control loops can be timed in the following ways:
—In software-timed control loops, the timing is controlled by the
software loop rate. You can implement a software loop with a timer construct, such as a
timer control or asynchronous timer, or a while loop with a delay or sleep operation at
the end.
—In hardware-timed control loops, the timing is controlled by the
DAQ device. The DAQ device is configured with the appropriate sample rate, and the
sample mode is set to hardware-timed.
For more information about DAQ, refer to the
NI-DAQmx Help
Traditional NI-DAQ
(Legacy) C Function Reference Help
, depending on the DAQ API you are using. Also refer
to the DAQ example programs.