target automatically. You may also reboot the controller by right-clicking the
target name under
Remote Systems
and selecting
After rebooting the PXI controller, it appears in the
Remote Systems
category with the
assigned name.
Expand the PXI controller view in the
Remote Systems
branch and select
Click the
Add/Remove Software
button in the toolbar to launch the LabVIEW Real-
Time Software Wizard.
Install the LabVIEW Real-Time software and device drivers that you require on the RT
target. Refer to the NI Web site at
and enter the Info Code
for the
latest information about supported software.
After software installation, the controller automatically reboots, and you now can program it
using LabVIEW Real-Time.
Refer to the
RT Getting Started Guide
on your host computer for more
information about setting up your RT target.
LabVIEW RT Configuration Switches
Use the LabVIEW RT configuration switches to configure LabVIEW RT if it is installed on
the controller. If you are not using LabVIEW RT, these switches should remain in the OFF
position. The controller reads these switches only after a system reset.
The NI PXI-8840 Quad-Core controller includes the following LabVIEW RT configuration
Switch 1—
: Set this switch to ON to boot LabVIEW RT.
Switch 2—
Boot Safe Mode
: Set this switch to ON to boot LabVIEW RT into safe mode
to reconfigure TCP/IP settings and to download or update software from a host computer.
This switch overrides the behavior of Switch 1. Booting the controller into safe mode
does not start the embedded LabVIEW RT engine. After changing the settings or
software, reboot the controller with this switch OFF to resume normal operation.
Switch 3—
Disable Startup VI
: Set this switch to ON to prevent VIs from automatically
running at startup if the controller becomes inaccessible because of a startup VI.
Switch 4—
Reset IP Address
: Set this switch to ON to reset the IP address and other
TCP/IP settings to their factory defaults. Use this switch if moving the controller to a
different subnet or if the current TCP/IP settings are valid.
By default, the target automatically attempts to connect to the network using
DHCP. If the target cannot initiate a DHCP connection, the target connects to the
network with a link-local IP address or
The following figure shows the location of the LabVIEW RT configuration switches. The
switches are shown in the OFF position.
NI PXI-8840 Quad-Core Getting Started Guide
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