Keep connections to the device as short as possible. Long cables and wires act as
antennas, picking up extra noise that can affect measurements.
Verify that all connections to the device are secure.
Use shielded copper wire for all cable connections to the device. Use twisted-pairs wire
to eliminate noise and thermal offsets.
Maintain an ambient temperature of 23 ±5 °C. The device temperature will be greater
than the ambient temperature.
Keep relative humidity below 80%.
Allow a warm-up time of at least 10 minutes to ensure that the FieldDAQ device
measurement circuitry is at a stable operating temperature.
Calibration Procedure
The calibration process includes the following steps:
on page 3
on page 8
on page 9
Initial Setup
Complete the following steps to set up the FieldDAQ device.
Install the software and NI-DAQmx driver as outlined in the
FD-11613/11614 Quick
You must install NI-DAQmx 18.1 or later for device calibration support.
Set up the FieldDAQ device as outlined in the
FD-11613/11614 Quick Start
Configure the FieldDAQ device in Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX) as
outlined in the
FD-11613/11614 Quick Start
If the FieldDAQ device is not reserved automatically, select the device and click the
Reserve Network Device
button. Refer to
for more
Self-test your device in MAX by expanding
Devices and Interfaces
Network Devices
right-clicking your FieldDAQ device, and selecting
. Self-test performs a brief
test to determine successful device installation. When the self-test finishes, a message
indicates successful verification or if an error occurred. If an error occurs, refer to
Reserving the Device in MAX
When the FieldDAQ device is connected to a network, multiple users can access the device.
To perform any DAQ functionality on the device, including reset and self-test, you must
reserve the device in MAX. In MAX, an unreserved device or device reserved by another host
FD-11613/11614 Calibration Procedure
© National Instruments