National Instruments Corporation
AOFREQ signal, 4-58
CPU write to DAC, 4-33
waveform generation, 4-38
AO_Reset_All function
CPU write to DAC, 4-33
waveform generation, 4-35
AO_Start_The_Acquisition function
waveform generation examples
using interrupts, 4-44
using local buffer mode, 4-41
using polled writes, 4-39
AO_Triggering function
waveform generation examples
using local buffer mode, 4-41
using polled writes, 4-35
AO_Updating function
waveform generation examples
using external UPDATE and
trigger, 4-43
using local buffer mode, 4-40
using polled writes, 4-36
Bank<1..0> bits, 3-12
BipDac bit, 3-17
bipolar output, 2-21
bitfields, 4-1
AI_FIFO_Empty_St, 2-12
Analog_Trigger_Drive, 4-53
Bank<1..0>, 3-12
BipDac, 3-17
Chan<3..0>, 3-12 to 3-15
ChanType<2..0>, 3-11
D<15..0>, 3-8, 3-18, 3-19, 3-20
DACSel, 3-16
DitherEn, 3-9 to 3-10
DOTRIG0, 4-52
EEPromCS, 3-4, 5-1
ExtRef, 3-16 to 3-17
Gain<2..0>, 3-10
GenTrig, 3-9
GPCT0<D..A>, 3-23
GPCT1<D..A>, 3-23
GroundRef, 3-16
Input<D..A>, 3-22
Int/Ext Trig, 3-5, 4-53
LastChan, 3-9
LASTCHANNEL, 2-10, 2-13
Output<D..A>, 3-22
PROMOUT, 3-6, 5-1
ReGlitch, 3-17
SerClk, 3-4, 5-1, 5-15
SerDacLd0, 3-4, 5-15
SerDacLd1, 3-4, 5-15
SerDacLd2, 3-4, 5-15
SerData, 3-4, 5-1, 5-15
Unip/Bip, 3-10
buffered pulsewidth measurement example,
4-47 to 4-49
function, 4-47
bulletin board support, A-1
CALDACs. See calibration DACs.
Calibrate_E_Series function, 5-17
circuitry, 2-11
calibration constant storage,
2-11, 5-1
PCI-6023E map (table), 5-9
PCI-6024E and PCI-6025E map
(table), 5-10 to 5-11
PCI-6052E map (table), 5-12 to 5-14