Chapter 10
Installation and Operation
National Instruments Corporation
The acrylic plastic cover can be used with SC-2057 in a single-height
rack-mount kit (not the double-height rack-mount kit) because it allows
access through the top and bottom of the kit.
Figure 10-1.
SC-2056 Adapter Mounted in a 19-in. Rack
Mount the SC-205X Series adapter in the chassis by unscrewing the screws
on the bottoms of the standoffs attached to the adapter and using those same
screws to attach the adapter to the mounting rack. Be sure to put the
washers around the screws when attaching your adapter to the rack, as
shown in Figure 10-2.
Figure 10-2.
Attaching a Mountable Board to a Chassis
Top Washer and Screw
Mounting Rack Mount
Metal Standoff
Circuit Board