© National Instruments
Controller Operating System
and BIOS Configuration
This appendix covers the following topics regarding the
NI cDAQ-9132/9133/9134/9135/9136/9137 controller configurations:
Power-On Self Test (POST) Warning Messages
Restoring the Windows Operating System
Using the BIOS Setup Utility to Change Configuration Settings
Power-On Self Test (POST) Warning Messages
The cDAQ controller POST displays warning messages for specific issues onscreen:
BIOS Reset Detected
—This warning is displayed when the CMOS reset button has been
pushed. This warning indicates that the BIOS settings have the default values.
CMOS Battery Is Dead
—This warning is displayed when the CMOS battery is dead and
must be replaced. The BIOS settings are preserved even when the CMOS battery is dead,
but the system will boot very slowly because the BIOS cannot optimize boot time by saving
specific system information to CMOS.
When a warning message is displayed, 10 additional seconds are added to the
POST to give the user time to read the warning.
Restoring the Windows Operating System
(NI cDAQ-9132/9133/9134/9135/9136/9137 for Windows)
You can restore the Windows
operating system on the hard drive of the cDAQ controller from the
NI cDAQ-9132/9133/9134/9135/9136/9137 Controller OEM Re-Installation
media shipped
with the cDAQ controller.
Restoring the operating system erases the contents of the hard drive. Back up
any files you want to keep before restoring the hard drive.
Before restoring the operating system, you can return the cDAQ controller to
factory-default condition by resetting the BIOS settings, as listed in the