6.3 Pump cable
NERA pumps are equipped, in their standard configuration, with 2,5 meter flat cable length.
It is necessary to respect polarity !
Not respecting the polarity causes irreparable pump failure
If the distance between the pump and the power supply is longer than the supplied cable it is necessary to make a
junction performed by the special kit supplied as standard.
The cable section for additional power conductors must be calculated considering the maximum allowed power loss.
𝑆 =
2 × 𝜌 × 𝐿 × 𝑃1 × 100
× ∆𝑃
S: wire section [mm^2]
: specific resistance = 0,018 [
Ω mm^2/m]
L: cable length [m]
P1: pump electrical power [W].
V: voltage at maximum power.
∆P: allowed power loss [%]. It is recommended not to exceed 3%.