3. How to set the trigger:
Trigger conditions includes "Mode", "Type" and "Level".
Press "TRIGGER" button to shift a trigger condition from
one to another.
1) Press the “TRIGGER” button and check if “Mode” area
is selected as the trigger condition. Turn the adjustment
knob in to "AUTO" mode. Check if "AUTO" sign is
displayed on the menu bar(Fig.5).
2) Press the “TRIGGER” button and check if ”Type” area is selected as the trigger condition.
Turn the adjustment knob in to a down arrow sign. Check if the down arrow sign is displayed
on the menu bar (Fig.6).
3) Press the “TRIGGER” button and check if ”Level” (for threshold value) area is selected as
the trigger condition. Turn the adjustment knob in to 3mV as the threshold voltage value.
Check if “3mV” numeric expression is displayed at the right end of the menu bar and a pink
arrow appears on the right margin of the Y-axis (Fig.7).