- Check that the remote control lever is in the
neutral position.
- Disengage the throttle lever from the shift en-
- Turn the start key clockwise Stop to Switch On
position, the oil alarm indicator, the battery and
preheating lights will illuminate and the buzzer
will sound; the preheating is activated. Wait until
the extinction of the green lamp and then engine
starts. Release it immediately after the engine
has started.
- Check the indicator lights and other functions
once the engine is running.
- Immediately stop the engine if the buzzer
sounds, if the temperature rises abnormally or if
one or several indicator lights remain illuminated.
CAUTION: Search for the cause and elimi-
nate it before re starting the engine
- Allow the engine to run at idle rpm, during 2 at 3
- Check that the seawater comes out freely from
the transom exhaust pipe.
- lf the engine doesn’t start at the first trial, repeat
the steps waiting 5 to 15 seconds between each
trial, switch key switching off.
In case of several unsuccessful engine starter
attempts, search the cause. Never insist because
it may cause water return into the engine from
the exhaust system!
WARNING: Never cut the electrical circuit by
using the battery main switch while the engine is
running. This may cause damage to the alterna-
- Return the control lever to the idle/neutral posi-
- Allow the engine to idle for several minutes in
order to stabilise temperatures and turbo speed
- Never increase the engine rev. Before
switching off the key!
- Turn the key till the “O” position (vertical)
- Switch off the battery main switch; close the
seacock and the fuel-tank delivery valve.
CAUTION: in case of boat trailer stop the en-
gine and imperatively close the seacock in order
to avoid accidental engine filling by seawater.
Twin installation: In case of using only one en-
gine, close the seacock of the not running en-
Never forget to open the seacock before restart-
ing the engine.
Running in
During the first 20 hours of operation, it is recom-
mended to take precautions to properly run in
your engine and not push to the maximum engine
performance except during short periods. Never
race your engine immediately after starting, with-
out having allowed it to warm up.
Guarantee visits
All preventive maintenance operations and
their periodicities are described on the war-
ranty book: SILVERWAKE®
These compulsory visits condition the warranty
validity. They have to be carried out by an author-
ised NANNI DIESEL representative. Every new
engine is guaranteed against all parts defects
according to the modalities specified on the
SILVERWAKE (r) warranty book furnished to the
buyer upon engine delivery.
DANGER: To avoid bodily injury, stop the en-
gine and allow it to cool, turn off the battery main
switch before any repair Follow instructions for
safety and environmental protection
- These recommendations are es-
sential. The observation of these recommenda-
tions will prolong the life of your engine and will
affect the applicability of the guarantee, which is
- Do not make any unauthorised modifications to
the engine.
- Damage caused by the use of parts not bearing
a manufacturer’s reference number are not cov-
ered by the warranty
- The repairs and maintenance must be carried
out by an authorized NANNI DIESEL workshop.
If the engine is used for a number of hours less
than the number specified for maintenance inter-
vals, then maintenance must be performed at
least once a year.
In this case, it is recommended that maintenance
be performed before winter storage. New, clean
lubricants will thus protect the engine.
Valves adjustments
These operations have to be done by a special-
ized workshop (calibrated shims)