A3LA-R User Guide Version A
Document Number: 451-93156-001A
71 of 158
field ( zz) is ignored if it is entered. The range of valid years is between
1970 and 2058.
For example, May 15, 2011, 22:10:00 hours can be set using +CCLK=
Read Command:
Read command returns the current setting of the clock.
+CCLK: <time>
Set Command:
Generate the specified DTMF tone (i.e., send tone DTMF message to network). The
parameter <string> shall consist of elements in a list where each element is separated
by a comma. Each element should either be (1) a single ASCII character; or (2) string
that follows the format: <tone>[,<time>] with each string enclosed in square brackets
“[]”. The string parameter values are defined as follows:
<tone> specifies the string of tones to be played or generated. The valid values are
(in ASCII): ‘0’-’9’, ‘#’, ‘*’
<time> specifies the duration of each tone in 180-millisecond unit. Default value
is 1 for 180 ms.
For example, the command string –MSVTS=1,[9,2],[5,3] will:
1. Generate DTMF 1 with a duration of 180 ms (default)
2. Generate DTMF 9 with a duration of 360 ms (2 * 180 ms)
3. Generate DTMF 5 with a duration of 540 ms (3 * 180 ms)
Test Command:
List the supported parameter settings. The response is in the form:
–MSVTS: (supported <tone>s),(supported <time>s)
DTMF generated with the –MSVTS command is never played back locally as
tones and is therefore neither played nor muted under control of the –MSVLS