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sockets reduce the risk of electric shock.

b) Avoid body contact with grounded 

surfaces such as pipes, radiators, ovens and 


There is an increased risk of 

electric shock if your body is grounded.

c) Keep power tools away from rain or 


Water permeation into the power tool 

will increase the risk of electric shock.

d) Use the cable solely for its intended 

purpose. Do not use the cable to carry or hang 

up the power tool or to pull out the plug from 

the socket. Keep the cable away from heat, 

oil, sharp edges or moving machine parts.


Damaged or twisted cables increase the risk of 

electric shock.

e) When working outdoors with power tools, 

only use extension cords which are suited for 

outdoor areas.

 Using extension cords suited for 

outdoor applications reduces the risk of electric 


f) If the operation of power tools in a humid 

environment cannot be avoided, you must use 

a residual current-operated device. 

The use of 

a residual current-operated device will reduce 

the risk of electric shock.

4.3 Personal safety

a) Pay attention to what you are doing and use 

power tools sensibly. Do not use power tools 

when you are tired or under the influence of 

drugs, alcohol or medication. 

A single moment 

of inattention while using power tools may cause 

severe injury.

b) Wear personal protective equipment and 

safety goggles.

 Wearing personal protective 

equipment such as a dust mask, non-skid safety 

boots, a protective helmet or hearing protection 

according to the type and application of the 

power tool reduces the risk of injury.

c) Avoid starting the power tool 

unintentionally. Make sure that the power 

tool is switched off before you connect it to 

the mains, pick it up or carry it.

If you have your finger on the switch when 

you carry the power tool, or if the machine is 

switched on when you connect it to the mains, 

this may result in accidents.

d) Remove adjustment tools or wrenches 

before switching on the power tool. 

Tools or 

wrenches in rotating machine parts may cause 


e) Avoid abnormal body positions. Stand 

securely and keep your balance at any time.


By doing so, you can control the power tool more 

easily in unexpected situations.

f) Wear suitable clothing. Do not wear loose 

clothing or jewellery. Keep your hair, clothing 

and gloves away from moving parts. 


clothing, jewellery or long hair may be trapped in 

moving parts.

g) If dust extraction devices or collection bins 

can optionally be attached, you must make 

sure that they are mounted and correctly 


Using dust extraction devices may reduce 

risks caused by dust.

4.4 Use and treatment of the power tool

a) Do not overload the machine. Use the 

appropriate power tool for your type of work. 

With appropriate power tools, you can work 

better and more safely within the given power 


b) Do not use power tools with a defective 


Power tools which cannot be switched 

on or off are dangerous and must be repaired.

c) Pull out the plug from the socket and/or 

remove the battery before you make settings 

to the machine, replace accessory parts or 

put aside the machine.

 These precautionary 

Содержание ES7100

Страница 1: ...310 550 351 Originalbetriebsanleitung Hochentaster Kettens ge D Translation of the original instructions POLE SAW P eklad p vodn ho n vodu k pou v n Odv tvovac et zov pila Traduction de la notice orig...

Страница 2: ...2 A1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14...

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Страница 25: ...ontr ler l appareil en situations dangereuses comme par ex en cas de retour de force vitez d adopter une posture anormale et ne sciez pas une hauteur sup rieure celle de vos paules Ceci permet d viter...

Страница 26: le risque de retour de force mais ne l limine pas enti rement Des mesures de pr caution appropri es telles que celles d crites ci dessous permettent cependant d exclure quelques exceptions peu pr s...

Страница 27: la lame dans les goujons de tension de la cha ne Mettez en place le cache de protection de la roue dent e et resserrer la vis de fixation la main non mises la terre N utilisez pas l appareil si...

Страница 28: ...uvelles cha nes de scie Apr s ach vement des travaux d tendez la cha ne de la scie car celle ci se r tracte en refroidissant Vous emp cherez ainsi l endommagement de la cha ne 8 4 Graissage de la cha...

Страница 29: ...che de l appareil votre c ble de raccordement Formez ensuite une boucle avec le c ble de raccordement et ins rez l dans le guide c ble situ sur le bo tier de la scie cha ne Placez ensuite la boucle da...

Страница 30: ...ranche par une l g re pression de haut en bas Sciage de branches plus grandes et plus longues B18 R alisez une d coupe de d charge pour les branches plus grosses Sciez tout d abord 1 3 du diam tre de...

Страница 31: ...lis e pendant un long moment retirez l huile pour cha ne du r servoir Placez pendant un court moment la cha ne de la scie et la lame dans un bain d huile et enveloppez les dans du papier huil Attentio...

Страница 32: ...che R servoir d huile vide Ventilation bouch e dans le bouchon du r servoir d huile Canal d vacuation d huile bouch Faire le plein d huile Nettoyer le bouchon du r servoir d huile D boucher le canal...

Страница 33: ...e respectueux de l environnement Alternative de recyclage pour les ordres de retour En cas d abandon de propri t le propri taire de l appareil lectrique est de fa on alternative au renvoi soumis l obl...

Страница 34: ...ani elektrickeho na adi s jinym Uvedena emisni hodnota kmitu m e byt pou ita k uvodnimu odhadu nastaveni Emisni hodnota vibraci se m e li it v pr b hu skute neho u ivani elektrickeho na adi od hodnot...

Страница 35: ...m elektricke za izeni u ivany v navodu k obsluze se vztahuje na elektricka za izeni pohan na elektrickym proudem se si ovym kabelem a na elektricka za izeni s akumulatorem bez si oveho kabelu Tento p...

Страница 36: ...zornosti p i pou it elektrick ho p stroje m e v st k v n m zran n m b Bu te vybaveni ochrann mi pom ckami a noste v dy ochrann br le Ochrann pom cky jako protiprachov maska protiskluzov ochrann boty o...

Страница 37: ...lenosti Ujist te se p ed spu t n m pily e je et z nedot en P i pr ci s et zovou pilou m e moment nepozornosti v st k tomu e et z pily vt hne oble en nebo poran n kterou st t la et zovou pilu dr te v d...

Страница 38: ...i em palec a ostatn prsty na opa n stran do sebe zav raj cel dr adlo Sv t lo a pa e uve te do pozice ve kter m ete sil m zp tn mu r zu odolat Jsou li v echna tato opat en dodr ov na m e obsluhuj c per...

Страница 39: ...te s et zovou pilou m jte ochrann rukavice abyste p ede li poran n m N kolika oto en mi uvoln te upev uj c rouby na krytu zub et zu B2 Napnut et zu nastavte roubem na napnut et zu pomoc roubov ku B5 O...

Страница 40: ...dla ob ma rukama palec pod dr adlem Stla te zar ku sp na e poz 11 a dr te et zovou pilu zapn te sp na em poz 12 Zar ku sp na e poz 11 te m ete vypnout Vypnut B11 Vypnut sp na e Pokud p eru te pr ci vy...

Страница 41: ...1 3 pr m ru v tve 1 N sledn v tev pro zn te spodn stranou li ty shora dol k prvn mu ezu 2 Del v tve e te po stech abyste nad m stem kde se oba ezy setkaj neztratili kontrolu 12 DR BA 11 1 V m na pilov...

Страница 42: ...balte do pap ru Pozor P ed ka d m i t n m vyt hn te kabel ze s t K o i t n p stroje jej nikdy nevkl dejte do vody nebo jin ch tekutin et zovou pilu skladujte v dy na bezpe n m a such m m st a pry z do...

Страница 43: ...dv tr v n v uz v ru olejov n dr ky ucpan odtokov olejov kan l ucpan tup et z doplnit olej o istit uz v r olejov n dr ky uvolnit odtokov olejov kan l et z p ebrousit nebo vym nit et zov pila sebou trh...

Страница 44: ...nt power tools The specified vibration emission value can also be used for the initial assessment of exposure When actually using the chainsaw the vibration emission value may vary from the specified...

Страница 45: ...ers to power tools connected to the mains with a power cable or operated with a battery without a power cable This tool is not intended to be used by persons including children with limited physical s...

Страница 46: ...or hearing protection according to the type and application of the power tool reduces the risk of injury c Avoid starting the power tool unintentionally Make sure that the power tool is switched off b...

Страница 47: ...ainsaw a single moment of inattentiveness may result in clothes or body parts becoming trapped in the saw chain Always hold the chainsaw with your right hand at the rear handle and your left hand at t...

Страница 48: ...he saw with both hands with your thumb and finger encircling the handles of the chainsaw Place your body and your arms in a position which allows you to withstand any kickback forces If appropriate pr...

Страница 49: ...tool from the mains before inspection and adjustment work Always wear protective gloves when working with the chainsaw in order to avoid injury Loosen the retaining screw of the sprocket cover by a f...

Страница 50: ...d position Attention Never use chains without saw chain lubrication Using the chain saw without saw chain oil or with an oil level below minimum will result in damage to the chainsaw Attention Observe...

Страница 51: ...of the tree first In this way cut branches can fall more easily After having completed the cutting process the weight of the saw increases immediately for the operator as the saw is no longer support...

Страница 52: ...ce 13 CLEANING AND STORAGE Clean the tensioning mechanism on a regular basis with compressed air or with a brush Do not use any tools for cleaning Make sure that the handles are always free from oil t...

Страница 53: ...ogged oil outlet Blunt chain Replenish oil Clean filer cap Remove dirt from oil outlet Sharpen or replace chain Chainsaw does not run smoothly vibrates or does not cut properly Chain not adequately te...

Страница 54: ...54 1 2 230 240 V 50 Hz 710W 250 mm 10m s 100ml 3 5kg II LpA 87db A K 3dB LwA 99 8 dB A K 3dB Guaranteed sound power level LWA 104 dB A 2 5 m s2 K 1 5m s2 3...

Страница 55: ...55 GR 10 4 4 1 a b c 4 2 a b c min...

Страница 56: ...56 d e f 4 3 a b c Off d e f g 4 4 a b c d...

Страница 57: ...57 e f g 4 5 a 4 6...

Страница 58: ...58 4 7 30 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 7 1 1a b c 7 2 2 3 pos A 4...

Страница 59: ...59 7 3 2 5 2 6 10 7 4 7 12 8 8 1 6 8 9 2 3 3 4 8 2 17 10 9 11...

Страница 60: ...60 15 10 16 11 60 17 18 1 3 1 2 12 12 1 11 On Off 12 11 11 On Off 12 1 5mm2 75m 12 30 1 19 2 10 13 14...

Страница 61: ...61 12 2 20 cm 12 3 13 14...

Страница 62: ...62 15 On Off Adjust chain tension...

Страница 63: ...63 2002 96 EC...

Страница 64: ...iversi strumenti di potenza Il valore di emissione delle vibrazioni indicato inoltre pu essere utilizzato per la valutazione di esposizione iniziale Nell utilizzare la motosega il valore di emissione...

Страница 65: ...Conservare tutte le norme di sicurezza e le istruzioni per riferimento futuro I termini elettroutensile elettroutensili utilizzati nelle note di sicurezza si riferiscono agli elettroutensili collegat...

Страница 66: ...facendo e utilizzare gli elettroutensili in modo assennato Non utilizzare elettroutensili quando si stanchi o sotto l influenza di alcol droghe o farmaci Un solo attimo di distrazione durante l uso di...

Страница 67: ...nsili da taglio ben conservati e con bordi affilati sono meno soggetti a inceppamenti e possono essere manovrati con maggiore facilit g Utilizzare gli elettroutensili gli accessori gli utensili di ins...

Страница 68: ...Esempio non usare la motosega per tagliare plastica opere murarie o materiali edili non in legno L utilizzo della motosega per scopi non previsti pu determinare situazioni pericolose Cause di contracc...

Страница 69: ...da operare con appoggio sul terreno Il set di taglio consiste in una catena con guida Questo dispositivo stato progettato esclusivamente per uso privato o domestico e non pu essere utilizzato in funz...

Страница 70: ...ntervento di manutenzione sull unit Evitare il contatto del corpo con parti prive di messa a terra Non utilizzare l apparecchio se il cavo di alimentazione danneggiato Utilizzare un cavo di prolunga a...

Страница 71: ...ione dalla rete elettrica Al fine di evitare infortuni quando si lavora con la motosega indossare sempre guanti protettivi Attenzione Non utilizzare le catene senza l adeguata lubrificazione Utilizzar...

Страница 72: ...hezza di estensione desiderata B9 Per bloccare l asta in posizione ruotare il dado in senso orario e serrarlo a mano 9 2 Regolazione dell inclinazione della testa portautensile Premere il pulsante di...

Страница 73: ...B17 Tagliare prima i rami inferiori dell albero In questo modo i rami tagliati possono cadere pi facilmente Una volta terminato il processo di taglio l operatore avverte immediatamente un aumento di...

Страница 74: ...tonomamente a meno che non si disponga di strumenti adeguati e di un appropriata esperienza 14 PULIZIA E STOCCAGGIO Pulire regolarmente il meccanismo di tensionamento con aria compressa o con una spaz...

Страница 75: ...entazione danneggiato Connessione esterna allentata Connessione interna allentata Interruttore on off difettoso Contattare l officina di assistenza La motosega non lubrificata Assenza di olio nel serb...

Страница 76: ...tutela ambientale Il riciclaggio come alternativa alla richiesta di restituire l elettroutensile anzich restituire l elettroutensile non pi utilizzato il proprietario dell apparecchio obbligato a rici...
