The level of the output connectors can be
modified (internally) to match the level for
the amplifier. See advanced operations.
Before connecting to the power amplifier,
ensure that the PL–L and the power
amplifier are powered off. Insert the
corresponding connectors into either one
or both sets of the output connectors.
Adjusting the internal jumpers for output
level is covered in Configuration guidance
“Output Customization”.
To gain access to the inside of the PL–L
case, ensure that the PL–L is powered off,
disconnect the ACPS power supply unit
and remove the top plate by removing the
four hex screws using the supplied
ISO/Allen 2.5 mm key. Lift the top plate off
the PL–L case carefully. If the unit has just
been powered off, please wait 5 minutes
for the vacuum tubes to cool down before
handling any item inside the PL–L case to
avoid potential burns or injury.