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• 7 x 140W Simultaneous  Minimum Continuous Power 

into  4 / 8  ohms

• 2 x 200W Continuous Power into 4 / 8 ohms
• 230W, 390W and 450W IHF Power into 8, 4 and 2 

ohms, respectively

• Mono-block, Modular construction
• Differential, Class A input circuit topology
• PowerDrive™
• High Current Holmgren™ Toroidal Power Transformer
• Input gain control for each individual channel
• Gold Plated RCA Inputs
• NAD Soft Clipping™
• 12V Trigger for automated ON/OFF operation

The T 973 employs monoblock construction for each of its 
seven channels. Every element of each channel’s circuitry, 
save the power supply is fully independent, eliminating 
inter-channel infl uences as a concern. The T 973 employs 
active ground isolation to further eliminate any possibility 
of inter-channel interference even when more than one 
preamplifi er is driving the power amp (as might be the case 
in a custom installation).

Each section features an FET Class A input and driver stage 
circuits, and a high-current output-stage design, employing 
high speed, high current discrete output devices to 
promulgate superb dynamic quality. The result is musical 
detail, impact, and soundstage stability and depth 
unmatched by multi-channel amps of even two and three 
times the T 973’s price. NAD’s proprietary Soft Clipping 
(defeatable) maintains sonic quality and offers speaker 
protection even under severe overdrive conditions.

Individual gain adjustment for each channel promotes 
easy, accurate system confi guration, as does the T 973’s 
integral 12V trigger turn-on response. This multi-channel 
amplifi er delivers its output via heavy-duty “fi ve-way” 

Ruggedness and in-system reliability are critical to 
successful custom-installed systems. This amplifi er 
utilizes a combination of fuse and electronic nonintrusive 
protection: dependable, fail-safe, and sonically benign. 
Each channel is fully protected against excess temperature, 
DC fault, and loudspeaker short-circuit.


The T 973 also benefi ts from NAD’s proprietary 
PowerDrive circuit topology, now well established and 
used throughout the NAD product range notably, in 
the highly reviewed models such as the C 320BEE and 
C 370. The PowerDrive topology allows the T 973 to 

T 973 7-Channel Power Amplifi er

NAD has a well-deserved reputation for 
producing amplifi ers with extraordinary 
performance and always at an affordable price. 
The T 973 keeps this tradition alive and well by 
applying 30 years of experience to the challenge 
of producing a high power, high performance, 
seven channel power amp able to provide the 
muscle required for even the most sophisticated 
Home Theatres.


As might be expected in an amplifi er capable 
of one kilowatt (1,000 watts) of continuous 
power output, the power supply needs to be 
very carefully designed. As usual, NAD favours 
the toroidal transformer type for its superior 
regulation and low stray magnetic fi eld. Our 
exclusive “Holmgren” transformer uses a special 
core design and materials to enhance effi ciency 
and make the transformer less sensitive to DC 
offsets on the AC mains voltage. Over 80,000 uF 
of storage capacitance ensure an ample reserve 
of power for even the most demanding music 
and fi lm soundtracks.
