Input volume knob sets the input
sensitivity with range from mute to
+4dB=-10dBFS. This is factory
default. The knob can be disabled
with internal jumpers which can
select either the knob or internal
precision 10 turn trimpots. Refer to
Sample rate selection. Sets the
desired sample rate. When used
with external clock select FS
closest matching that of supplied
external wordclock.
Peak meter in -dBFS.
The red LED marked
"0" corresponds to 1
sample overload.
Selects output wordlength as stated. The 20 and
16 bit "flat dither" setting corresponds to signal
dithered with flat dither. Supershaper HR is a high
performace wordlength reduction algorithm similar
to Pow-r(tm). Flat dither is recommended for
multitracking, while Supershaper can be used for
printing final mix to CD-R.
Line power is 115VAC/50/60Hz
(factory default) or
230VAC/50/60Hz switchable by
internal switch accessible after
removing the top cover. 1 Amp
slow blow 20mm fuse is also
accessible under the cover.
Wordclock output provides high current drive
and a very stable low jitter clock. It can be
used as a superior house clock to clock or
synchronize other digital equipment. Running
Stereo96ADC on internal clock and slaving the
rest of equipment to Mytek clock is the
recommended setting for best sonic
performance. WCK IO can also be set to 256
“superclock” format used in older Protools
systems. Superclock/wck is selected using
Optical Toslink output can output
both SPDIF and ADAT formats.
SPDIF format allows to interface
with Mac computers including
Powermac laptops (up to 96kHz).
ADAT format is enabled and
assigned by internal dip switch.
Internal sync provides the best clock stability
(10ps) and thus the best conversion. External
sync is intended for complex systems. It can be
a standard wordclock signal or Protools (tm)
256X superclock. Refer to "Internal jumper
settings" for details. Since internal clock
Analog inputs accept a
range of signals from
+4dB balanced
consumer unbalanced.
Connect pin 3 to ground
outputs are
simultaneous. They operate in "single wire"
mode for all sampling frequencies. These
outputs can be used to externally clock other
equipment with the same effect as
wordclock output. Clocking via AES/EBU
line is recommended
cables are very long (over 20ft).