Quick start guide
1.1 Features
• Compact design
• GPS real-time tracking
• Plug out alarm
• SIM card included
2. Overview
3. Functions
1.2 Specifications
• GSM frequency:900/1800MHz
Positioning way:GPS
• Positioning accuracy:<10m Working
voltage/current: 12V /50mA
• Working temperature:-20°C-70°C
2.2 LED indications
1) Power indicator (red)
2) GSM indicator (green)
Slow flashing
GSM initialization
Solid red
Network is OK/On line
No light
Power off / low battery / internal fault
/ sleep mode
Quick flashing
GSM initialization
Slow flashing
Receive GSM signal normally
Solid green
In communication with phones link up
No light
No GSM signal
Quick flashing
Searching GPS signal
Solid blue
No light
Not working / sleep mode
3) GPS indicator (blue)
a) SOS number
1.Add SOS number
Via SMS command Send SMS command:
SOS, A,number1 ,number2,number3 #
(A means add number).
You can set 3 SOS numbers maximum. If set
successfully, the terminal will reply "ok".
2. Delete SOS Numbers
Send SMS command:
SOS, D, 1,2,3# (D means
delete SOS number)
e.g. SOS, D, 1 # means delete the first number
SOS, D,3# means delete the third number If you do not
know the sequence number, you can aise delete the
number by SMS command like this: SOS, D,number#
e.g. SOS, D, 13527852360# means delete this SOS
number directly. Il will reply "OK" if the number is deleted
(3) Add SOS numbers via platform
You can set SOS number via the platform alter
activating the terminal.
b) Plug out alarm
When the device is unplugged from the car, the
device will send "unplug alert" message to the
platform or SOS numbers.
c) Power cut-off alert
When the power supply of the device is cut off, it
will activate power cut-off alarm. Then the device
will send "power cut-off alert" message to the
platform or SOS numbers.