CSP039 | MXR
Duke of Tone
Basic Operation
1. Run an instrument cable from your instrument to the
CSP039’s INSTRUMENT jack and another instrument
cable from the CSP039’s AMPLIFIER jack into your
amplifier’s input.
2. Start with knobs set to 12 o’clock.
3. Turn effect on by depressing the footswitch.
4. Use OD/BOOST/DIST switch to select your preferred
clipping style:
OD mode engages soft clipping for a touch of grit and
compression. Boost mode bumps up your signal loudly
and clearly with no clipping. Distortion mode engages
hard clipping for a grittier, more compressed sound and a
bump in output level.
5. Rotate VOLUME knob clockwise to increase overall
volume or counterclockwise to decrease it.
6. Rotate DRIVE knob clockwise to increase overdrive
intensity or counterclockwise to decrease it.
7. Rotate TONE knob clockwise for a brighter sound or
counterclockwise for a warmer sound.
Duke of Tone
Overdrive is powered
by the Dunlop ECB003 9-volt adapter or an MXR
Series power supply. This pedal cannot be
powered by a battery.