Mutable Instruments | Rings
Calibration procedure
The module is factory-calibrated using precision voltage sources. Follow this procedure only if
you want to compensate for inaccuracies in your CV sources, or if your module has lost its
calibration settings following a fault or the installation of alternative firmware.
To calibrate the unit:
1. Disconnect all CV inputs.
2. Connect the note CV output of a well-calibrated keyboard interface or MIDI-CV converter to the
3. Connect a patch cable to the
CV input. Leave the other end of the cable unplugged (this
prevents the internal connection to +/- 1 semitone to be activated).
4. Hold both the polyphony and resonator type buttons for two seconds. This is the “secret handshake” to enter
the calibration procedure. The first LED blinks in orange.
5. Play a C2 note, or send a 1V voltage from your CV source.
6. Press the polyphony button. The second LED blinks in orange.
7. Play a C4 note, or send a 3V voltage from your CV source.
8. Press the polyphony button to complete the calibration. If the calibration is successful, the module returns to
its normal state. Otherwise, the two LEDs will blink in RED for a couple of seconds.
Firmware update procedure
Unplug all CV inputs/outputs from the module. Connect the output of your audio interface/sound card to
input. Set the
knob to 12 o’clock. Power on your modular system with the
polyphony button
pressed. Both LEDs will blink in orange.
Make sure that no additional sound (such as email notification sounds, background music etc.) from your
computer will be played during the procedure. Make sure that your speakers/monitors are not connected
to your audio interface - the noises emitted during the procedure are aggressive and can harm your
hearing. On non-studio audio equipment (for example the line output from a desktop computer), you might
have to turn up the volume to the maximum.
When you are all set, play the firmware update file into the module. While the module receives data, the
first LED will blink in green, and the second LED will monitor the signal level. Signal reception is optimal
when the second LED is lit in green or yellow. Try adjusting the
knob to change gain. The
module periodically pauses with both LEDs lit in orange to write data on its permanent memory. When the
end of the audio file is reached, the module automatically restarts - if it is not the case, please retry the
procedure from the beginning.
In case the signal level is too weak, the LEDs will blink in red with an alternating pattern. Press the
polyphony button
and retry with a higher gain. If this does not help, please retry the procedure from
another computer/audio interface, and make sure that no piece of equipment (equalizer, FX processor) is
inserted in the signal chain.
This product is covered by Mutable Instruments’ warranty, for one year following the date of manufacture.
This warranty covers any defect in the manufacturing of this product. This warranty does not cover any
damage or malfunction caused by incorrect use - such as, but not limited to, power cables connected
backwards, excessive voltage levels, or exposure to extreme temperature or moisture levels.
The warranty covers replacement or repair, as decided by Mutable Instruments. Please contact our
customer service ([email protected]) for a return authorization before sending the
module. The cost of sending a module back for servicing is paid for by the customer.
Mutable Instruments encourages modding and hacking, but we will not service modified units or provide
any assistance in the realization of mods.