Video Thumbnail
To Open (View), Save, E-mail, or Delete your cap-
tured video clips
the desired video thumb-
nail. A pop-up menu appears with the following op-
Open: opens the selected video thumbnail into the video display-
ing software, Media Player.
Save: opens a Save As dialog box allowing you to rename and save
the video clip within your computer system.
E-mail: opens the E-mail setting box and automatically attaches
the selected video thumbnail (.AVI file) to the e-mail. The E-mail
setting box enables you to enter the destination e-mail address and
type an attachment. Clicking the
button opens the Address
book, allowing you to store addresses and add additional destination
addresses to your e-mail.
This function is subject to Internet service provider
in order to enable this function it is first necessary to setup
your e-mailing parameters in the Advanced Settings, E-mail Folder,
described later in this chapter.
Delete: deletes the selected video thumbnail.
Video Album Scroll Arrows
These arrows allow you to scroll through all the Video Thumb-
nails in the Video Album. A lit arrow means that there are more
Video Thumbnails in the direction indicated. An unlit arrow means
that there are no Video Thumbnails in the direction indicated.
Clicking this tab closes the Video Album.
Once you have located the Photo Thumbnail that you would like
to view or edit, double-click it and it will open in the image editing
software, iPhoto Plus 4.
Photo Album Tab
Clicking here opens the Photo Album. A green light indicates that
the Photo Album contains images. An unlit light indicates that the
Photo Album is empty.
Photo Thumbnail
To Open (View), Save, E-mail, Print, or Delete your captured
video clips
-click the desired Photo Thumbnail. A popup menu
appears with the following options:
Open: opens the selected Photo Thumbnail into the default image
editing software, iPhoto Plus.
Save: opens a Save As dialog box allowing you to rename and save
the photo (.JPG file) within your computer system.
E-mail: opens the E-mail setting box and automatically attaches
the selected Photo Thumbnail (.JPG file) to the e-mail.
The E-mail setting box enables you to enter the desti-
nation e-mail address and type an attachment. Clicking
button opens the Address book, allowing you
to store addresses and add additional destination ad-
dresses to your e-mail.
Subject to Internet service provider limi-
in order to enable this function it is first necessary to setup
your e-mailing parameters in the Advanced Settings, E-mail Folder,
found later in this chapter.
Print: prints the selected Photo Thumbnail to the default printer.
Delete: deletes the selected Photo Thumbnail.
The Photo Album