Congratulations on choosing your Mustang product! The Mustang family of barbecuing products was designed for cooking good food. Our line includes
a wide range of barbecuing and cooking products. Go to www.mustang-grill.com or your nearest licensed Mustang retailer to find out more about our
selection of products!
We are continually developing the Mustang line and other products it has to offer. Feedback from users plays an important role in our product development
for quality assurance. We are always happy to receive any feedback on our products at [email protected].
Please carefully go over the user instructions so you will get the most out of your grill. With careful, regular cleaning and maintenance of your grill, you will
prolong its life and safety. The Mustang line of products also offers proper cleaning products and tools for its care.
For more information, go to: www.mustang-grill.com.
Above the grill:
Minimum of 4 m to combustible materials. Do not use the grill under any awnings or pergolas.
Around the grill: Minimum of 1.5 m to any combustible materials.
Liquid or gas fuels:
Minimum of 10 m. Do not store any liquid or gas fuels, cylinders or containers in the vicinity of the grill. Ensure all fuel containers are sealed tight to prevent
escaping vapour.
All Mustang products have been carefully manufactured and quality-tested before leaving the factory. This barbecue and its parts have a 12-month warranty
from the date of purchase. The warranty covers defects in material and workmanship.
Normal wear and tear, rusting or corrosion of parts is not covered by the warranty. For example, cracking of ceramic surfaces, discoloration of steel surfaces
and the occurrence of rust spots are normal during use and over time and do not affect the use of the barbecue. Nor does the warranty cover parts that are
subjected to wear and tear or corrosion during use, such as cast iron and stainless-steel tube burners, heat distribution plates, cooking grates and griddles,
and warming racks. In the case of self-assembled barbecues, the customer must always install and replace the parts according to the instructions. Failure to
follow these instructions will invalidate the warranty. Always read through the user instructions carefully and follow them. Damage or defects resulting from
improper use or neglect of maintenance are not covered by the warranty.
Nor does the warranty apply if the product is used for commercial manufacturing, sale or rental purposes.
If a product or part of the product becomes defective during the warranty period, please contact the importer or the Mustang Support Service via www.
mustang-grill.com. Before submitting a warranty claim, please re-read the user instructions thoroughly to ensure that you have followed them. All warranty
claims will be processed by the importer. A defective or missing part will be replaced with a new part. The customer is responsible for installing the defective
or missing part.
The warranty is only valid upon presentation of a copy of the purchase receipt. The purchase receipt must include the name of the seller, the make and model
number of the barbecue and the date of purchase. The warranty claim must include the following information: the make and model number of the barbecue,
the reason for complaint, the part number of the defective part according to the parts list, a copy of the purchase receipt or statement of place of purchase,
date of purchase, consumer’s name, telephone number, street address, postal code and city.
Onnittelut Mustang-tuotteen valinnasta! Mustangin grillaustuoteperhe on suunniteltu hyvän ruoan valmistamiseen. Tuoteperheeseen kuuluu kattava
valikoima grillaus- ja ruoanlaittotuotteita. Tutustu koko valikoimaan verkossa www.mustang-grill.com tai lähimmällä valtuutetulla Mustang-jälleenmyyjällä.
Kehitämme Mustang-tuoteperhettä ja siihen kuuluvia tuotteita jatkuvasti. Laadun takaamiseksi käyttäjiltä saatu palaute on tuotekehityksessämme erityisen
tärkeässä roolissa. Otamme mielellämme vastaan tuotteisiin liittyvää palautetta osoitteeseen [email protected].
Tutustu huolella käyttöohjeeseen, jotta saisit laitteesta parhaan hyödyn. Huolehtimalla grillin säännöllisestä puhdistuksesta ja huollosta pidennät sen
käyttöikää ja turvallisuutta. Mustang-tuotesarjasta löydät myös asianmukaiset puhdistusaineet ja harjat grillin puhdistukseen.
Lisätietoja löydät osoitteesta: www.mustang-grill.com.
Grillin yläpuolella:
Vähintään 4 metriä tulenarkoihin materiaaleihin. Älä käytä grilliä markiisin tai pergolan alla.
Grillin ympärillä:
Vähintään 1,5 metriä tulenaroista materiaaleista.
Neste- tai kaasupolttoaineet:
Vähintään10 metriä. Älä säilytä neste- tai kaasupolttoaineita, pulloja tai säiliöitä grillin läheisyydessä. Varmista, että kaikki polttoainesäiliöt on suljettu tiiviisti
höyryjen vuotamisen välttämiseksI.