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Model M-30  9/15/93

(513) 471-7700
Fax (513) 471-3299

2488 River Road
Cincinnati, Ohio  45204
e-mail: [email protected]

Model M-30

Antifreezing Drinking Fountain

Model M-30 is a drinking fountain of classic
design.  The control valve is located below the
frost line to provide antifreezing functionality.
Activating the pedal raises or lowers the inter-
nal supply-line and waste-tube assembly,
controlling the valve.  Constructed with all
brass parts and a stainless-steel mainspring,
model M-30 is equipped with automatic stream
control for year-round use.  The M-30 is de-
signed for trouble-free reliability and easy

consist of aluminum bronze.  Main-
spring shall be stainless-steel wire
with a minimum diameter of .225

plated, solid-brass casting and shall
be adequately protected from
stoppage or vandalism.  Bubbler shall
be chrome-plated, solid-brass casting
with outlet near outer edge of bowl
and above bowl rim.  Mouthguard
shall be chrome-plated, solid-brass
casting, mounted on outer edge of
bowl to meet sanitary requirements.
All solid-brass castings shall consist
of 85-5-5-5 brass metal and shall
conform to ASTM standards B61 and

Valve shall be foot-pedal operated,
spring-loaded to close.  Pedal shall

Drinking fountain shall be Murdock
model M-30.  Unit shall be capable of
year-round use in freezing or inclem-
ent weather.

Pedestal shall be fabricated of heavy,
one-piece iron casting extending from
grade line to bowl, forming predomi-
nantly octagonal horizontal section,
and finished with a heavy grade of
oil-based paint.

Bowl shall be octagonal, chrome-
plated, solid-brass casting with outer
edge at least 8 1/


 inches from center

of bubbler outlet.  Drain opening in
bowl shall be fabricated of chrome-

Suggested specifications


Please visit

for most current specifications.


15125 Proctor Avenue

City of Industry, CA

91746 USA

Phone 800-453-7465


Fax 626-855-4860

A Member of
Acorn Engineering's
Family of Companies
