Figure 2
Forms of spread spectrum
One disadvantage of direct sequence systems is that due to spectrum constraints and
the design difficulties of broadband receivers, they generally employ only a minimal
amount of spreading (typically no more than the minimum required by the regulating
agencies). For this reason, the ability of DS systems to overcome fading and in-band
jammers is relatively weak. By contrast, FH systems are capable of probing the
entire band if necessary to find a channel free of interference. Essentially, this
means that a FH system will degrade gracefully as the channel gets noisier while a
DS system may exhibit uneven coverage or work well until a certain point and then
give out completely.
Because it offers greater immunity to interfering signals, FH is often the preferred
choice for co-located systems. Since direct sequence signals are very wide, they
tend to offer few non-overlapping channels, whereas multiple hoppers may
interleave with less interference. Frequency hopping does carry some disadvantage
in that as the transmitter cycles through the hopping pattern it is nearly certain to
visit a few blocked channels where no data can be sent. If these channels are the
same from trip to trip, they can be memorized and avoided; unfortunately, this is
generally not the case, as it may take several seconds to completely cover the hop
sequence during which time the multipath delay profile may have changed
substantially. To ensure seamless operation throughout these outages, a hopping
radio must be capable of buffering its data until a clear channel can be found. A
second consideration of frequency hopping systems is that they require an initial
acquisition period during which the receiver must lock on to the moving carrier of
the transmitter before any data can be sent, which typically takes several seconds. In
summary, frequency hopping systems generally feature greater coverage and channel
utilization than comparable direct sequence systems. Of course, other
implementation factors such as size, cost, power consumption and ease of
implementation must also be considered before a final radio design choice can be
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WIT910 Integration guide (R) 05/14/15
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