© Munters AB, 2018
Figure 2: Pig Guard Expansion Box wiring
I2C shielded cable, running between the Pig
Guard and Pig Guard Expansion Box
3 Connect ground wire to shield
Connect the shield to the ground
4 Power
The Expansion box should be connected with a shielded cable (I2C cable) as appears in the photo above. The
shield has to be connected to ground with a wire that is soldered to the shield of the I2C cable (factory supplied).
The shield is connected to ground only on the Expansion box side (on the Pig Guard side the shield has to be left
unconnected). On the Pig Guard side connect the Black wire (COM) to Common, the Red wire to CLK (Clock), and
the white wire to Data.
The I2C communication cable (1 Meter) is connected to the Expansion box and the shield is grounded.
Don't extend the cable and keep it far from high power cables.
After wiring the units, set the switches to their required position (On, Off, Auto).