Munters IceDry 30 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 35

IceDry 30


Technical specification

9.1 Dimensions and service space






















Figure 9.1 Dimensions




Figure 9.2 Service space requirements







Figure 9.3 Dimensions for external electrical cabinet

1. Process air inlet

2. Dry air outlet

3. Reactivation air inlet

4. Wet air outlet

Dimensions (mm)








































260 + 25

(1) Space for service

Table 9.1 Dimensions and service space


Technical specification


Содержание IceDry 30

Страница 1: ...Original instructions Usermanual IceDry30 Desiccantdehumidifier 190TEN 1049 H1307 MuntersEuropeAB2013 ...

Страница 2: ...bratedtestequipmentis necessary Theserviceandmaintenancemustbe documentedforthewarrantytobevalid AlwayscontactMuntersforserviceorrepair Operating faultscanoccuriftheunitismaintainedinsufficientlyor incorrectly Safety Informationaboutdangersareinthismanualindicated bythecommonhazardsymbol W W WARNING ARNING ARNING Indicatesa possibledangerthatcanleadtopersonalinjury CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Indica...

Страница 3: ......

Страница 4: ...tart settings 13 4 9 Pre start checks 13 4 10 Airflow check and adjustment 14 5 Operation 15 5 1 General 15 5 2 Safety 15 5 3 Quick stop 15 5 4 Externalelectrical cabinet 16 5 5 Operating theunit 17 5 5 1 General 17 5 5 2 Start 17 5 5 3 Restart after power failure 17 5 5 4 Stop 18 5 5 5 Alarms 18 5 6 Defrosting 18 5 6 1 During operation 18 5 6 2 During downtime 18 6 Controlsystem 19 6 1 General 19...

Страница 5: ...8 3 Fault tracing list 28 9 Technicalspecification 30 9 1 Dimensions and service space 30 9 2 Technical data 31 9 3 Sound data 32 10 Scrapping 33 11 ContactMunters 34 190TEN 1049 H1307 Tableofcontents v ...

Страница 6: ...thedehumidifierinasafeandefficientway Readthroughthemanualbeforetheunitisinstalledand used 1 3 Safetyandcautions Everymeasurehasbeentakeninthedesignandmanufactureofthedehumidifiertoensurethatitmeetsthe safetyrequirementsofthedirectivesandstandardslistedintheECDeclarationofConformity Theinformationinthismanualincludessuggestionsforbestworkingpracticeandshallinnowaytake precedenceoverindividualrespo...

Страница 7: ...ower switch of the unit Do not operate the unit near any heat generating devices orflammableand dangerous materials Do not insert fingers orany other objects into the airvents Allelectrical installations must be carried out by a qualified electrician and in accordance with local regulations Thedehumidifier can restart automatically after a power cut Always set and lock the main power switch in the...

Страница 8: ...No ontheidentificationplate 09 yearofmanufacture 19 weekofmanufacture 190XXX articlenumber XXXXX serialnumber 1 5 Supervisionofoperation Thedehumidifieriscontrolledandmonitoredfromtheoperatorpanellocatedontheexternalelectrical cabinet 1 6 Faultindications Anyfaultsareindicatedthroughilluminationoftheredlampontheoperatorpanel Fordetailed information seesection6 4 5 Window5 Alarm 3 Introduction 190T...

Страница 9: ...sandestablished requirementsforCE marking 2 2 Principleofoperation 2 1 4 3 Figure2 1Principleofoperation 1 Processair 2 Dryair 3 Reactivationair 4 Wetair Thedesiccantrotorismadeofacompositematerialthatishighlyeffectiveinattractingandretainingwater vapour Therotorisdividedintwozones Theairflowtobedehumidified processair passesthrough therotor slargestzoneandthenleavestherotorasdryair Sincetherotorr...

Страница 10: ... 9 7 Figure2 2Maincomponents 1 Rotorsealring 6 Lowerrotorcover 2 Rotor 7 Reactivationfan 3 Upperrotorcover 8 Processfanmotor 4 Reactivationheater 9 Externalelectricalcabinet 5 Rotordrivemotor 10 Processairfilter 5 Productdesign 190TEN 1049 H1307 ...

Страница 11: ...packaging material in place onthe dehumidifier orto re use the packaging material to provide temporary protection forthe unit during latertransportation to the site and during installation 4 Removeallpackagingmaterialfromtheunit checkcarefullytomakesurethatnodamagehasoccurred duringtransportation 5 AnyvisibledamagemustbereportedinwritingtoMunterswithin5daysandpriortoinstallationof theunit 6 Dispos...

Страница 12: ...easily formedon the inside of the duct due to thehigh humidity of the reactivation air To avoid condensation the ductwork must beinsulated CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Activate the main switch forthe dehumidifier as soon as the unit has been installed This allows thebuilt in heater to operate and prevents internal ice formation CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Beforestarting the unit the reactivation airinl...

Страница 13: ... instructions Seealso4 6 Installationexamples coldstorageroom freezer Tofacilitateeasytransferofthedehumidifieroutofthecold storageroomforservice allductconnections shouldbeeasilydisassembled Shouldthedehumidifier despitethisrecommendation beinstalledinsucha waythatitcannotbeeasilyremovedforservice itisimportantthattheminimumservicespacerequirements aremet see9 1 Dimensionsandservicespace Avapour ...

Страница 14: ...ehumidifier Fordetailsofminimumavailablestaticpressure seechapter 9 2 Technicaldata 4 5 2 Processairinlet Thedehumidifierhasanexternalfilterboxfortheprocessairinlet Ifthereisariskoftheprocessairfilter icingup aductshouldbeconnectedtoretrieveprocessairfromadrylocation5 10metresfromthedoor opening Thefilterboxcanthenbemovedtotheinletsideoftheduct 4 5 3 Dryairoutletduct Channeloutthedryairfromthedehu...

Страница 15: ...insideof theductwalls Duetothelowambienttemperaturethereisariskoficeformation Thewetairductmust thereforebeinsulated Horizontalductsmustbeinstalledwithaslightdecline awayfromthedehumidifier todrainaway possiblecondensation Thedeclinemustbeatleast2cm mofduct 5mmdrainholesshouldbemadeatlowpointsoftheducttopreventwateraccumulationintheduct Topreventtheoutgoingwetairfromhumidifyingtheincomingreactivat...

Страница 16: ...ntersrecommendsthefollowinginstallations Ifindoubt contactMuntersforadvice Notetheservicespacerequirementsinsection9 1 Dimensionsandservicespace 2 3 m Figure4 2Positionbehindscreen 5 10 m Figure4 3Positionfarawayfromdoor airlock 11 Installation 190TEN 1049 H1307 ...

Страница 17: ... electrician and in accordance with local regulations Allunitsaredeliveredcompletewithallinternalcablinginstalledandconfiguredtothevoltageand frequencygivenontheIDplate NOTE Supply voltage must not vary morethan 10 of the specified operating voltage Theunit must beadequately connected to earth Forconnectiondetails refertotheIDplate Electricalcircuitdiagramsorsection9 2 Technicaldata The connection...

Страница 18: ...avebeencorrectly installedandthattherearenosignsofdamagetothesystem Alsocheckthatallductsarefreefrom obstaclesblockingtheairpassage 4 Checkthattheincomingpowersupplyvoltageiscorrectandthatthecablesarecorrectlyconnected 5 Afterconnectingtheprocessfantopower checkthefanturningdirection 6 Openthedehumidifier sfrontpanel 7 Startthedehumidifierandcheckthatthefanisturning 8 Switchoffthedehumidifierandch...

Страница 19: ...airflowscanbechangedtotherequiredsetting 2 Startthedehumidifierforapproximately10minutestoallowthereactivationheatertoreachitsnormal operatingtemperature Seesection5 5 Operatingtheunit 3 Checkthatthetemperaturedifferencebetweenreactivationairdownstreamoftheheater andthe regenerationtemperatureisapprox 95 C tolerancelimitis 5 C 4 Ifthetemperaturedifferenceliesoutsideofthetolerancelimit thereactivat...

Страница 20: ...This is necessary to remove any ice build upinside theunit CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Beforestarting the unit the reactivation airinlet and wet airoutlet must bethoroughly checked Anyice must be removed To avoid malfunction it is importantto have clear airpassage throughout the ductwork CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION To prevent damage to the fans the unit must not be runforlonger than a few minutes prio...

Страница 21: ...erationtoavoidiceformation Anautomaticrotor defrosterfunctionmaystillbeinoperation seesection 5 6 2 DuringdowntimePosition 1 thedehumidifier operatescontinuously fullcapacity Continuousoperation anddehumidification Automaticrotordefrostingisnormal duringoperation seesection5 6 1 Duringoperation 4 Whitelamp RUN Illuminateswhentheunitdehumidifies 5 Redlamp ALARM Lightsintheeventofanalarm Seesection ...

Страница 22: ...toposition 1 andcheckthatthedisplayisilluminated Thethreelampson theelectricalcabinetshouldflashtwiceasacheckoflampfunction 2 Turnthemodeswitchtoposition 1 Checkthat Thewhitelampison whichindicatesthattheunitisoperating Thereactivationairfanandrotordrivemotorhavestarted seesection6 4 3 Window3 Motorstatus 3 Leavetheunitoperatingandcheckthat Thetemperatureofthereactivationheaterincreases see6 4 1 W...

Страница 23: ...andmainpowerswitchtoposition 0 whenworkingintheelectricalcabinet ordehumidifier Remedyanyfaults 3 Restartthedehumidifier 5 6 Defrosting Thedehumidifierisdeliveredwiththedefrostingfunctionactivated Thedehumidifierisdefrostedat regularintervals bothinoperationmode 1 andwhenthemodeswitchisinposition 0 Thefunctioncanbedeactivatedviathecontrolsystemdisplay seesection 6 5 2 Display11 Defrostingduringope...

Страница 24: up 6 3 Workingwiththecontrolsystem Figure6 2Keypad Press or topageforwardorbackbetweenthedifferentoperatingwindows Hold depressedforthreesecondstoshifttothewindowforbasicsettings Thenpress or topage forwardorbackbetweenthedifferentoperatingwindows Press or tochangethesetvalue Ifyoucannotfindyourwaybacktothestartpoint switchofftheunitusingmodeswitch Whentheunithas stoppedcompletely switchoffthe...

Страница 25: ...Fby 000 Figure6 3Window1 RUN Operationalstatus R TEMP Reactivationtemperature 6 4 2 Window2 Runtime Thisdisplaysthetotalrunningtimeofthedehumidifier Therunningtimeremainingbeforethenext scheduledmaintenanceservicearealsodisplayedhere Figure6 4Window2 RUNTIME Totalrunningtime SERVICE Remainingtimeuntilnextservice Anegativevalueindicatesthatservicewasnot carriedoutasrecommended 190TEN 1049 H1307 Con...

Страница 26: ...outputbeingused 6 4 5 Window5 Alarm Thisindicatesallalarms Thealarmsaredenotedbyanumber whichrepresentsaspecificfunctionalarm Foradescriptionofthecorrectiveactionforeachalarm see8 Faulttracing Ifanalarmisactivated theredlamponthecontrolpanellightsup Thealarmindicationdisappears automaticallywhenitscauseisremoved Thedehumidifieralwaysstopswhenanalarmisactivated Thedehumidifierisequippedwiththefollo...

Страница 27: ...itfor30secondstoreturntooperatingmode 6 5 1 Display10 Softwareinformation Thisshowsthesoftwareversionofthecontrolsystem Thisnumberismostoftenneededwhencontacting MuntersService Figure6 8Window10 6 5 2 Display11 Defrostingduringoperation Therequireddefrostingfunctionissethereduringoperation Figure6 9Window11 000 No Automaticdefrostingnotactivated 001 Yes Automaticdefrostingactivated presetoption co...

Страница 28: ...defrostingfunctionissethereduringlongerperiodsofdowntime Seealso5 6 Defrosting Figure6 10Window12 000 No Automaticdefrostingnotactivated 001 Yes Automaticdefrostingactivated presetoption contactMuntersServicebefore changingthis 23 Controlsystem 190TEN 1049 H1307 ...

Страница 29: ...7 3 Serviceoptions Inadditiontocommissioningoftheunittherearefourserviceoptions A D asstandard S Commissioning start up A Inspectionandifnecessarychangeoffilter Generalfunctioncheck B InadditiontoA safetycheckandcapacity temperatureandhumidityregulationmeasurements C InadditiontoB preventivereplacementofsomecomponentsafter3yearsofoperation D InadditiontoC preventivereplacementofsomecomponentsafter...

Страница 30: ...placementoracomprehensiveservice Removethefiltercoverandreplacethefilterifthisisthecause Window2showsthenumberofoperatinghoursuntilthenextserviceisneeded Aminussignbeforethe numberofhoursindicatesthattheserviceshouldalreadyhavebeencarriedout 25 Serviceandmaintenance 190TEN 1049 H1307 ...

Страница 31: ...pacitycheck rotorinspection X X Replacement of HTCOThermostats X Inspectdrivebeltand backing rollers replaceif necessary X X Rotordrivemotorreplacement X Fan revision impellers motors bearings X Switchboard control box operational check X X X X X Check temperaturecontrol sensors X X X X Rotorcovers rotorseals connection piece replacement X Table7 1Serviceandmaintenanceschedule 0 48months NOTE Theu...

Страница 32: ...pection X X Replacement of HTCOThermostats X Inspectdrivebeltand backing rollers replaceif necessary X X Rotordrivemotorreplacement X Fan revision impellers motors bearings X Switchboard control box operational check X X X X Check temperaturecontrol sensors X X X X Rotorcovers rotorseals connection piece replacement X Table7 2Serviceandmaintenanceschedule 54 96months NOTE Theunit must beremovedfro...

Страница 33: ...lectricalcomponentsintheseparatecontrolpanel Faultsymptom Indicators Possiblecause Correctiveaction Unit hasstopped Lamps and display areoff Check power supplyto the unit If observedimmediately resetthe circuit breaker Powersupplyfailure If the timeof the power failureis not known seesection Restartafterpowerfailure orcall MuntersServicebeforestartup Mainspower switch No 1 isin position 0 Movethe ...

Страница 34: ...ectify the cause Alarmcode No 6 Reactivation heaterisnot working ResetQM12 13 or14 Alarmcode No 7 Reserve Alarmcode No 8 Reserve Alarmcode No 9 High temperaturein reactivationfan heater High temperaturecut out BT23 and orBT37hastripped High temperaturecut out BT23mustbe resetmanually It islocatedon the fan house within the dehumidifier To access remove the centrepanel on the dehumidifier Unit hass...

Страница 35: ...ts 600 600 215 Figure9 3Dimensionsforexternalelectricalcabinet 1 Processairinlet 2 Dryairoutlet 3 Reactivationairinlet 4 Wetairoutlet Dimensions mm Weight kg A B C D E F G H J K L M N P X 1 Y 1 Z 1 1200 875 1425 315 200 568 460 756 608 50 460 424 48 438 900 200 500 260 25 1 Spaceforservice Table9 1Dimensionsandservicespace 190TEN 1049 H1307 Technicalspecification 30 ...

Страница 36: ... Amps Phase 3 60 Hz 460 V 35 1 Current Amps Phase 3 60 Hz 480 V 33 8 ReactivationHeater Temperatureincreaseacrossheater C 95 Reactivation Heater Power kW 18 OtherTechnicalData Operatingrangefordehumidifier ambienttemperature C 25 to 0 Operatingrangeforexternalelectricalcabinet ambienttemperature C formountingin cool area 25 to 10 formountingin warmarea 10to 25 Drivemotorpower W 10 Reactivation fan...

Страница 37: ...4 Na 88 2 6 12 25 31 31 33 35 Room 64 90 1 8 14 16 20 23 26 31 Noisepathstosurroundings 1 Ductworkfordryair 2 Ductworkforprocessair 3 Ductworkforreactivationair 4 Ductworkforwetair Figure9 4Noisepathstoequipmentroom SYMBOLS Lwt TotalnoiseleveldB rel 10 12W Lw NoisepowerlevelinoctavebanddB rel 10 12W Kok CorrectionforcalculatingLw Lw Lwt Kok dB A Ratednoiselevelat100m2 roomabsorption 190TEN 1049 H1...

Страница 38: ...beenexposedtochemicalsthataredangeroustotheenvironmenttheriskmustbeassessed Thechemicalscanaccumulateintherotormaterial Takethenecessaryprecautionstocomplywith applicablelegalrequirementsandregulations W W WARNING ARNING ARNING If the rotoris to becut in pieces wear a suitable CEmarked face mask selected and fitted in accordance with the applicable safety standards to protect fromthe dust 33 Scrap...

Страница 39: ...ment ul Swietojanska 55 11 81 391 Gdynia Tel 48 58 305 35 17 dh munters pl www munters com pl SPAIN Munters Spain SA AirTreatment EuropaEpresarial Edificio Londres C Playa de Liencres 2 28230 Las Matas Madrid Tel 34 91 640 09 02 marketing munters es www munters es SWEDEN Munters Europe AB AirTreatment P O Box 1150 S 164 26 Kista Tel 46 8626 63 00 avfuktning munters se www munters se SWITZERLAND Mu...

Страница 40: ...www munters com ...
