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It is a condition of the warranty that the unit for the full warranty period is serviced and maintained by a
qualified Munters engineer or Munters approved engineer. Access to specific and calibrated test equipment
is necessary. The service and maintenance must be documented for the warranty to be valid.

The warranty is limited to a free exchange of parts or components which have failed as a result of defects
in materials or workmanship.

Commissioning/Start-up inspection "S" by Munters is mandatory to validate the full warranty.

Always contact Munters for service or repair. Operating faults can occur if the unit is maintained
insufficiently or incorrectly.

1.5 Inspection of delivery

Upon receipt, inspect the equipment before signing the delivery note. Specify any damage on the delivery
note and send a registered letter of complaint to the last company responsible for transporting the
equipment within three days. Inform Munters of this complaint.

The unit must be fully inspected within one week from arrival. If a hidden fault is discovered, send a
registered letter of complaint to the haulier within the week following delivery, and notify Munters of this.

1.6 Technical data

The technical data for a specific unit can be found in the separate Data sheet issued for each unit.




Содержание DesiCool

Страница 1: ...Original instructions Operatingmanual DesiCool AirTreatmentSystem TEN DSC D1401 MuntersEuropeAB2014 ...

Страница 2: ... 2 Thermalrecovery rotor 15 4 2 1 Function 15 4 2 2 Rotor 15 4 2 3 Rotor seals drive belt and drive motor 15 4 3 Watercoils 16 4 3 1 Cooling coils 16 4 3 2 Heating coils 16 4 3 3 Frostprotection 16 4 3 4 Droplet separator 16 4 3 5 Cleaning 17 4 3 6 Stopping water flow to the coils 17 4 4 Evaporative coolers humidifiers 18 4 5 Fans 20 4 5 1 Fantypes 20 4 5 2 Maintenance 20 4 6 Filters 20 4 6 1 Filt...

Страница 3: ...ins information which is protected by copyright laws It is not allowed to reproduceor transmit any partof this manual without written consent fromMunters Pleasesendanycommentsregardingthismanualto MuntersEuropeAB TechnicalDocumentation P O Box 1150 SE 16426KISTASweden e mail t doc munters se 1 3 Warnings Informationaboutdangersareinthismanualindicatedbythecommonhazardsymbol W W WARNING ARNING ARNI...

Страница 4: ...scontactMuntersforserviceorrepair Operatingfaultscanoccuriftheunitismaintained insufficientlyorincorrectly 1 5 Inspectionofdelivery Uponreceipt inspecttheequipmentbeforesigningthedeliverynote Specifyanydamageonthedelivery noteandsendaregisteredletterofcomplainttothelastcompanyresponsiblefortransportingthe equipmentwithinthreedays InformMuntersofthiscomplaint Theunitmustbefullyinspectedwithinonewee...

Страница 5: ...theseparateDatasheetmustbeobservedabsolutely Anyotheruse oftheequipmentcancausepersonalinjuryanddamagetotheunitandotherproperty 2 2 Safeinstallation operationandmaintenance Greatefforthasbeenplacedonthedesignandmanufactureoftheunit tocomplywithapplicablesafety aspectsforthistypeofequipment Theinformationinthismanualincludessuggestionsforbestworkingpracticeandshallinnowaytake precedenceoverindividu...

Страница 6: ...h voltage which can cause serious injury ordeath W W WARNING ARNING ARNING Beforedoing any service ormaintenance work onthe unit make sure that all electrical equipment is disconnected fromthe power supply and secured against reconnection W W WARNING ARNING ARNING Theunit must never beconnected to a voltage orfrequency other than that forwhich it was designed Refer to the unit identification plate...

Страница 7: ...thout warning W W WARNING ARNING ARNING Theunit sections areheavy Use only approved lifting equipment adapted to theweight of the sections to avoid accidents W W WARNING ARNING ARNING Make sure that all pipe couplings areproperlytightened before the medium supply forcooling orheating coils is turned on W W WARNING ARNING ARNING Cleaning agents cooling media oil and grease aresubstances that are da...

Страница 8: ...theunit Anydamage to the unit resulting fromincorrect adjustment of theairflows can invalidate thewarranty of theunit Theunit must not be runformorethan a few minutes before setting upthecorrect airflows CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Service and maintenance work should only becarried out by qualified and trained personnel Operating faults can occur if the unit is maintained insufficiently orincorrectl...

Страница 9: ...heavy Donothandlealone Sharpsteeledgesonboxesorcoilscancausecuts Useprotectivegloves particularlyduringdisassembly orassembly Whenworkingwithornearfans beawarethatremainingairflowthroughtheunitcancausespontaneous rotationofthefansandtherebycausingpersonalinjury Doorsforoverpressurecompartmentscanbeequippedwithadditionalsafetylocksagainstaccidental opening Ensurethatsuchlocksareclosedbeforestarting...

Страница 10: ... Figure2 4Hotairflowor surface Figure2 5Unitstarts automatically Figure2 6Pinchhazard 2 5 Emergencystop Theunitcaninanemergencybestoppedusingthemainpowerswitch CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Only use the main power switch to stop the unit in the case of anemergency Thenormal shutdown sequence will not befollowed Thefans stop and the heater can bevery hot which can result in damage to the heater and oth...

Страница 11: while atthesametimecontrollingtheroomhumiditynottobelowerthanaminimumsetvalue 3 2 Systemdesign 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Figure3 1DesiCoolsystemdesignexample 1 Supplydamper 6 Thermalrecoveryrotor 11 Bypassdamper 2 Supplyfilter 7 Heatingandcoolingcoils 12 Reactivationheater 3 Desiccantrotor 8 Evaporativecooler 13 Exhaustfan 4 Bypassdamper 9 Exhaustfilter 14 Exhaustdamper 5 Processfan 10 E...

Страница 12: Thereisaheaterintheexhaustairstreamforreactivationofthedesiccantrotor Seethemoredetailed descriptioninsection4 1 Desiccantrotor Inwintertimetheunitproduceswarmair Thethermalrecoveryrotorstartstorotateandrecoversheat fromtheexhaustairstream Ifmoreheatrecoveryisrequiredthedesiccantrotoralsostartstorotateand recoversbothheatandmoisture Atextremeambientwinterconditionsthehotwatercoilinthesupplyis a...

Страница 13: ...entialpressureswitchonfilterPSW2 2 InputtemperatureandRHsensorTHS1 7 ReactivationtemperaturesensorTS11 3 FlowcontroldifferentialpressuresensorDP4 8 AntifreezethermostatTS9 4 AntifreezethermostatTS10 9 FlowcontroldifferentialpressuresensorDP3 5 SupplytemperaturesensorTS2 DH Dehumidificationrotor TH Thermalrecoveryrotor TEN DSC D1401 Systemdesignandfunction 11 ...

Страница 14: ...oactivateapumpfromthecontrol system Coolingcoil Thecoiluseschilledwater possiblymixedwithglycol Thecoilmustbeconnectedtoan externalmediumsupply Thecontrolsystemregulatesanactuatortomaintaindewpointandorcooling setpoint Itispossibletoactivateapumpand orachillerfromthecontrolsystem Filtersforvariousairqualityspecifications Filterscanbeequippedwithpressuredropsensorstoenable blockedfilter alarm optio...

Страница 15: ...yeffectiveinattractingandretainingwater vapour Therotorisdividedintwozones Theairflowtobedehumidified processair passesthroughthe largestzoneoftherotorandthenleavestherotorasdryair Sincetherotorrotatesslowly theincomingair alwaysmeetsadryzoneontherotor thuscreatingacontinuousdehumidificationprocess Theairflowthatisusedtodrytherotor reactivationair isheated Thereactivationairpassesthrough therotori...

Страница 16: ...tively capacitymonitoringwillindicatewhenrotor replacementisnecessary 4 1 3 Rotorseals drivebeltanddrivemotor Therotordrivemotor drivebeltandsealsshouldbereplacedifnecessary oratthemaximumintervals accordingtothemaintenanceschedule Belttensioncanbeadjustedbyshorteningthebelt Rotorsealsmustbecheckedandadjustedonceperyear 14 Maincomponentsdescription TEN DSC D1401 ...

Страница 17: ...tactsurfacetotransfertheheat Therotorisdrivenbyanelectricmotorandadrivebeltaroundthecircumferenceoftherotor 4 2 2 Rotor Therotorsurfacemustbeinspectedregularly Iftherotorisdirtyitcanbecleanedwithavacuumcleaner orwithlowpressurecompressedairifnecessary 4 2 3 Rotorseals drivebeltanddrivemotor Thedrivebeltmustbecheckedafterthefirst100hoursofoperation Therotordrivemotor drivebeltandsealsshouldbereplac...

Страница 18: ...eatingmedium Thecoilmustbeconnectedtoanexternalheating mediumsupply CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Hot and cold water supply lines must only bedesigned and executed by qualified personnel taking into account the respective relevant local regulations When there is a riskof frost the water coils must befrost protected Seesection 4 3 3 Frostprotection 4 3 3 Frostprotection Ifthewaterinacoilfreezesthiscoul...

Страница 19: ...oolingcoils cleanthedriptrayandsiphonforthecondensationwateronce peryear Notethatsiphonsneedtoberefilledwithwaterafterthewinterseason 4 3 6 Stoppingwaterflowtothecoils Precautionstotakeincaseoffrostrisk whereitisenvisagedtostoporconsiderablyreducetheflowofhotwater allthefreshairintakesmust beclosedandtheventilationstopped thereferencepointoftheantifreezethermostatmustnotbesettoolow ifforwhateverre...

Страница 20: ...acktothetank Inthecaseofarecirculatedsystem theremustbeableed offandan automaticdrainageinordertoavoidcontaminationofthewater Theenergythatisneededfortheevaporationistakenfromtheairitself Theairthatleavesthehumidifieris thereforehumidifiedandcooledsimultaneouslywithoutanyexternalenergysupplyfortheevaporation Thisisinessencetheadiabaticcoolingprocess Itisveryefficientandtheconsumptionofenergyisvery...

Страница 21: ...treakscanbefoundonthe inletside 7 Checkthatthehosesandcouplingsdonotleak 8 Checkthedischargepipeandwatertrap Cleanifnecessary NOTE Formoreinformation onservicing of evaporative coolers humidifiers see the separate MuntersFA6 manual TEN DSC D1401 Maincomponentsdescription 19 ...

Страница 22: ...rtinguptheunit ensurethattherearenolooseobjectsinsidetheunit 2 Cleantheinsideoftheunitusingavacuumcleaner 3 Ifthefanimpellerscomeintocontactwithcontaminatedairordust itisimperativethattheyarecleaned regularlytoavoidvibrationscausedbyunbalance 4 Donotuseanyaggressivecleaningagents cleanfanhousingwithwarmwaterifrequired 5 Neveruseahighpressurecleanerorwatersprayforcleaning 4 6 Filters 4 6 1 Filterty...

Страница 23: ...importancefor thecorrectoperationoftheinstallation Incorrectairflowwillreducethecapacityandtheenergyefficiency oftheunit Replacethefilterswhen Finalpressuredropisreached Thereisafilteralarm Thefilterisdamagedandairispassingwithoutfiltration Paperframefiltershavebecomewet 4 6 3 Panelfilters Checkthedegreeofdirtaccumulationbymeasuringthedifferentialpressureorbyinspectingthefilters visually Replaceas...

Страница 24: ...ersshould always becovered by ducts Anyunducted airdampersshould be fitted with a protective grille notincluded in Muntersdelivery to prevent injury fromthe damperblade movement Dampermaintenance Cleanandchecktheoperationofthedampers thegearingandbearings Thebladescanbecleanedwithwaterorcompressedair Checkthepositioninrespectoftheindications OPEN and CLOSED Ifthedampersdonotmovefreely lubricatethe...

Страница 25: ...rmally120mm fullyextended200mm Theflexibleconnectionsarerelativelyfragileandcutsmustbeavoided Theflexibleconnectionsarefixedduringtransport W W WARNING ARNING ARNING Asthe pressureinside can behigh the flexible connections must not bedismounted during operation CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Theflexible connections can never beused as duct support TEN DSC D1401 Maincomponentsdescription 23 ...

Страница 26: ...rectionofrotationofthefansandcompressors Correctdirectioncanbecheckedonafan wheelwithanarrow orbymonitoringthechangeinhighandlowpressurewhenacompressorstarts CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Rotation direction is checked in the factory meaning that if one motor is rotating in the wrong direction all motors areactually rotating in the wrong direction Phases must then beinverted onthe mainterminal block It...

Страница 27: ...othe figuresonthemotoridentificationplate NOTE Thepower of the motors in ourunits is calculated with a predetermined safety coefficient Comparethe theoretical intensity with the intensity absorbed by the motorof the unit while it is operating b Thesystem sexternalstaticpressuremustcomplywiththeorderspecifications Non conformancewill leadtovariationsintheairflow Theflowratevariesaccordingtotherotat...

Страница 28: ...d high machine temperatures W W WARNING ARNING ARNING Do not open distribution boxes orother electrical connection boxes The unitis connected to high voltage which can cause serious injury ordeath W W WARNING ARNING ARNING Beforedoing any service ormaintenance work onthe unit make sure that all electrical equipment is disconnected fromthe power supply and secured against reconnection W W WARNING A...

Страница 29: ...itched off Fans and other moving parts can startautomatically and without warning W W WARNING ARNING ARNING Cleaning agents cooling media oil and grease aresubstances that are dangerous to personal health and to the environment They must not beallowed to drain away into the soil orthepublic sewer system Thedisposal of such substances must beeffected in accordance with local and national law and re...

Страница 30: ...necessarychangeoffilter Generalfunctioncheck B InadditiontoA safetycheckandcapacity temperatureandhumidityregulationmeasurements C InadditiontoB preventivereplacementofsomecomponentsafter3yearsofoperation D InadditiontoC preventivereplacementofsomecomponentsafter6yearsofoperation NOTE Always contact Muntersforservice orrepair Operating faults can occur if the unit is maintained insufficiently orin...

Страница 31: ...X Replacement of drive belt and belt fastener X Replacement of rotordrive motor Inspection of fans impellers motors bearings Examining electrical and control systems function check X X X X Calibration of moisture control equipment sensors and valves X X X X Calibration of temperature control equipment and sensors X X X X Replacement of rotorseals if necessary Specific maintenance on gas burner uni...

Страница 32: ...necessary X Inspection of heating cooling coils X Replacement of drive belt and belt fastener X Replacement of rotordrive motor X Inspection of fans impellers motors bearings X Examining electrical and control systems function check X X X Calibration of moisture control equipment sensors and valves X X X Calibration of temperature control equipment and sensors X X X Replacement of rotorseals if ne...

Страница 33: ...sbeenexposedtochemicalsthataredangeroustotheenvironmenttheriskmustbeassessed Thechemicalscanaccumulateintherotormaterial Takethenecessaryprecautionstocomplywith applicablelegalrequirementsandregulations W W WARNING ARNING ARNING If the rotoris to becut in pieces wear a suitable CEmarked face mask selected and fitted in accordance with the applicable safety standards to protect fromthe dust TEN DSC...

Страница 34: ...DesiCool 8 Supplements Additionalinformationisavailableinsupplementsasapplicable Productspecificationdatasheet Controlsystem Installation Humidification 32 Supplements TEN DSC D1401 ...

Страница 35: ...atment ul Swietojanska 55 11 81 391 Gdynia Tel 48 58 305 35 17 dh munters pl www munters com pl SPAIN Munters Spain SA AirTreatment EuropaEpresarial Edificio Londres C Playa de Liencres 2 28230 Las Matas Madrid Tel 34 91 640 09 02 marketing munters es www munters es SWEDEN Munters Europe AB AirTreatment P O Box 1150 S 164 26 Kista Tel 46 8626 63 00 avfuktning munters se www munters se SWITZERLAND ...

Страница 36: ...www munters com ...
