1.Aim the rem ote con troll er toward s the receiver on the air-
conditio ner.
2.The rem ote controll er s houl d be within 8 met ers away
from the receiver.
3.No obstacle s be tween t he re mo te controller and receiver.
4.Do not drop or t hrow the remote con trolle r.
5.Do not put t he remote co ntro ller under the forceful
sunrays or h eat ing f acili ties and othe r heating sources.
6.Us e two 7# batt eries, do not use the electric batteries.
7.Take the batteries out o f rem ote controller be fore stop its
usi ng for lon g.
8.When t he noise of t ransmitt ing signal can t be heard
ind oor u nit or the transmissi on symbol on the display
screen doe sn t f lare, ba tterie s need be re placed.
9.If reset phenom enon occurs on pressing the butt on of the
remote con trolle r, the el ectric quanti ty is defi cient and
new ba tteri es n eed to be sub stit uted.
10.The w aste bat tery sho uld be di sposed properly.