Clamp zone: A1 = 100 mm
A2 = 200 mm
Test load:
positive 5400 Pa
negative 3800 Pa
Design load:
positive 3600 Pa
negative 2533Pa
safety factor: 1,5
M2-30 series
M3-30 series
M3-60 series
M6-60 series
M6-72 series
M10-60 series
M10-72 series
Test load:
positive 2400 Pa
negative 2400 Pa
Design load:
positive 1600 Pa
negative 1600 Pa
safety factor: 1,5
M2-30 series
M3-30 series
M3-60 series
M6-60 series
Clamp zone: A = 100 mm
Test load:
positive 5400 Pa
negative 3800 Pa
Design load:
positive 3600 Pa
negative 2533Pa
safety factor: 1,5
M2-30 series
M3-30 series
M3-60 series
M6-60 series
M6-72 series
M10-60 series
M10-72 series
The module clamps must not come into contact with the front glass or deform the frame in any way.
Avoid shading effects from the module clamps and insertion systems. Drainage holes in the module
frame must not be closed or obscured by the clamps.
The loads of 2400 Pa, 3800 Pa and 5400 Pa are under IEC standard. The installation methods
applicable for 5400 Pa are also relevant for 3800 Pa and 2400 Pa. The installation methods applicable
for 3800 Pa are also relevant for 2400 Pa.