PAGE 34 — MQ SP4030 SAW • OPERATION MANUAL — REV. #0 (01/22/09)
The MQ SP4030 saw uses a 24-volt motor and hydraulic
cylinder to raise and lower the saw. The raise-lower function
is controlled by the operator through a 3-position toggle
switch on the raise-lower control handle located on the
operator’s control panel.
1. To lower the blade, push the toggle switch located on
the end of the control handle FORWARD (Figure 24).
To raise the blade, pull the toggle switch located on
the end of the control handle BACKWARD.
Setting the Depth Indicator
1. Lower the blade until it just touches the cutting surface.
Set the Depth Indicator dial to zero. (The depth indicator
now accurately indicates how deep the blade is cutting.)
See Figure 25.
Figure 24. Raise-Lower Control Toggle Switch
Figure 25. Depth Indicator
Figure 26. Depth Stop
Always adhere to manufacturer’s blade speed
recommendations for surface feet per minute when
choosing a blade for your cutting conditions. See blade
size/speed information section.
If a blade is changed for any reason, or if
wear is suspected since the last time
depth stop was set, you will need to reset
the depth stop.
If a cut at a precise depth is
necessary, it is best to make a pre-cut and
MEASURE at deepest part of cut to confirm
cut is at desired depth.
The SP4030 saw uses a controlled depth stop to position
and set the blade at a desired cut depth (Figure 26).