Transmitter, Receiver and Servo Settings
Now we come to the critical part as proper installation of these components are essential.
a. Checking Operation of the Servo
After installation of the servo and receiver into your model is complete, turn the power "ON" the transmitter (fully
extend the antenna) now turn on the receiver.
Check to see if all servos are working properly. If not, check the connections and/or make sure the main battery
pack is charged.
Check to see that the servos are moving in the correct direction. If not, change the servo direction with the
reversing switches located on the bottom of the radio. The 3rd channel of the Ranger 3 FM Sky is not reversible.
If everything checks out then turn the receiver "OFF" first, then the transmitter.
The Ranger 3 FM Sky offers an internal electronic mix for channels 1 and 2 to deliver an Elevon or V-tail mix for
those aircraft requiring those specific functions. (Not used in your EasyStar)
Always remembers to never have the receiver "ON" without the transmitter being "0N".
This means when turning your model "ON" always turn the transmitter "ON" first and "OFF" last.
(Note: Please makes sure to fold the transmitter antenna after use so as not to get damaged or poke someone in
the eyes.)
: Do not shorten the length of the receiver antenna by cutting off any excess wire.
This will severely affect the operating range and could result in injury to yourself and others.
b. Elevator and Aileron Servo Trim Settings
- Trim Setting before Flight
The servo trim enables minor adjustment of the servo neutral position so that the plane will fly straight when the
stick is in the center position. Before adjusting the servo trim, please make sure that when both the stick and the
servo trim is in it's center position (1) the servo arm is perpendicular to the push rods, and (2) the elevator and
aileron of the plane is flush with the tail wing.
- Trim Setting during Flight
You may perform some minor trim adjustment during flight if the plane nose up or down (Elevator Trim) or sideways
(Aileron Trim) when the stick is in the center position.However please keep in mind that trim adjustment is only for
minor adjustment and major adjustment should still be done through push rod (linkage) adjustment at the model.
(Note: There is no trim adjustment on the 3rd channel of the Ranger 3 FM Sky)
c. Adjustable Traveling Volume
You may use this volume to adjust servo traveling according to the characteristics of your model. The servo travel
can be adjusted from 50% to 100% of the total travel range by turning each ATV knob on the transmitter. Turning
clockwise will increase servo travel and counter clockwise will decrease servo travel.