Instruction Manual, DVM-2000
1550 nm wavelengths with ST, SC or FC connectors. The 1310 nm single-mode laser system is
available with -8 dBm, -3 dBm, 0 dBm and +3 dBm optical powers. The 1550 nm single-mode
laser system is available in an optical power of +3 dBm. Please read the section
for further information.
The Laser Failure provides a dry contact switched to GND in the event of laser failure.
The alarm signal is labeled
connection provides a third data channels
or a video presence alarm. The
signal is an open collector that that is pulled low in the
event of video loss. The third data channel can be configured as a local video presence alarm
on the transmitter side and as a remote alarm on the receiver side. Internal jumpers may be set
to provide a third data channel. The factory default setup is for a video presence alarm.
Extreme caution should be used when handling Laser equipment. Appropriate eye
protection should be worn at all times. Direct exposure to the eyes and skin can be harmful.
The video, audio, data and optical connections can be found in the sections above. There are no
user serviceable parts or adjustments inside the system. The only user controls and interfaces
are present on the front and rear panels. If service or calibration adjustments are necessary
please return the system to the factory.
When installing a 1310 or 1550 nm Singlemode Laser system the launched optical power
can vary from -8 dBm to +3 dBm depending on the model purchased. The receiver will
compensate for variations in optical attenuation. The receiver unit will operate with an optical
signal from –32 to +3 dBm with out over-load.
The DVM-2000-FRX Fiber Optic Receiver for Singlemode applications all has an optical
window from the wavelength of 1100 to 1600 nm. If a Singlemode system is to be Wave Division
Multiplexed with other optical wavelengths in the 1100 to 1600 nm range, the appropriate optical
filters and wave division multiplexers should be used. The user may contact MULTIDYNE to
purchase such devices.
The Multidyne DVM200 is a highly linear low noise, low distortion fiber optic link.
The circuitry in the transmitter processes and digitizes seven analogue and 3 digital signals and,
through high speed time division multiplexing, serializes them into a single, self clocking bit
stream that modulates the output of an LED or a laser. At the receiving end a high speed
demultiplexer extracts the imbedded clock and then the data in a parallel format to be presented
to seven digital to analogue converter that reconstruct the 7 analogue signals.