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Precautions When Handling the Electrical Components of a Laser
Company LSOs and
LSOs may have cause to handle the electrical components of a laser during
everyday use or maintenance. All personnel involved in the operations or maintenance of a laser or other machine
should wear cloth or lint-free gloves when working on electrical parts and observe the following activities:
1. Treat all electrical equipment as if it were active.
2. Complete any work on the laser in pairs so that the buddy system is in place. Both operators should be
knowledgeable in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
3. Remove any rings, watches, pens, pencils, or rulers before working with any type of electrical equipment.
4. Use only tools with insulated handles whenever working with electrical equipment.
5. Report any electrical equipment that gives even the slightest indication of current.
6. Assume that the floor under high voltage systems is conductive and grounded unless standing on a suitably
insulated dry matting that is approved for electrical use.
7. Avoid standing in wet areas when working on active electrical equipment. Operators should take all
precautions toward preventing excessive moisture or perspiration on the hands, feet, or body.
8. Decline from working on hazardous systems or completing hazardous activities if fatigued. Operators who are
under the influence of medication that slows response time should not be allowed to work on electrical
equipment, nor should operators who are emotionally or chemically conducive toward taking life-threatening
risks with any electrical equipment.
Routers * Lasers * Plasma * WaterJets * Knife Cutters v. 11 10