Configuring the terminal in the Service application
Configuring farmpilot
11. If you specified USB as the storage location, verify that the file "StartupTrace.txt" exists on the
USB flash drive:
12. If this file is missing, you must run the CAN-Trace function again.
13. Email the "StartupTrace.txt" file to Customer Services. If you chose "Portal" as the storage
location, this file will have been sent automatically.
Configuring farmpilot
farmpilot is an internet portal which allows software on a farm computer to exchange data with
machines via a mobile phone network. Operating data are stored in a central location on the portal
and are presented clearly to the user.
In order to be able to use the farmpilot portal with your terminal, you must perform the following steps:
▪ Purchase a SIM card and have it activated,
▪ Connect a GSM antenna,
▪ Activate farmpilot,
▪ Enter your farmpilot access data.
Refer to the following chapters to learn how to perform these steps.
Activating farmpilot
To activate farmpilot on your terminal, you must first activate its driver.
High costs from prolonged data transfer
If you do not have a flatrate in your mobile phone contract, continuous use of farmpilot can lead to
high costs.
If your flatrate has a data volume limit, continuous use of farmpilot can quickly use up your data
volume limit.
◦ Deactivate the farmpilot driver when you are not using the portal.
1. Switch to the "Driver" screen:
| Service | Driver