The Data Ready Signal goes high for an interval of 500
s after the Read
Command Signal’s rising edge. When the Data Ready Signal is high
(output transistor is off), the SSI-1016J parallel output data is being updated.
The parallel output data can be read once the Data Ready Signal returns to
Handling Instructions
Use a shielded, twisted-pair cable to connect the SSI-1016J and
Temposonics sensor. A voltage drop in the power supply voltage may
occur due to the impedance of this cable. Check that the supply voltage
at the sensor is within the specifications (+24Vdc, +20%/-15%).
Check that the use environment is within the SSI-1016J operating
temperature (0
). When mounting the SSI-1016J unit in a control
panel near other devices that produce heat, use a fan or other cooling
To avoid induced noise and other signal quality issues, place all
connections away from cables carrying heavy currents.
Read Command Signal Input Circuit
Figure 7