unsure of the engine address you can apply the 55-55-55 reset (send a value of 55 to
CV55 to engine address 55). In order for this to work correctly the engine's address
must NOT be 55. The engine will need to be sitting at some address other than 55.
Below is the method (55-55-55 Reset) you can employ to return an engine to its factory
default short address of 3 (it will also set the engine's long address back to its default –
usually 3333 or the cab number on some models) if you're unsure of the engine's
current address:
Check first to see if the engine happens to be sitting at address 55. Call up engine
55 on your DCC handheld and hit F3 to start the engine up. If it starts up then
you can change the address to whatever you want using CV1 (short address) or
CV17 and CV18 (long address)
If the engine doesn't start up at address 55 then you can use the 55-55-55 reset. To
perform this follow the instructions below:
Ensure the DCC system is powered up and power is on the rails
Call up engine address 55. NOTE – you are NOT changing the engine's
address to 55 you are just telling the DCC system to start talking to
engine address 55. You will want to make sure that no other MTH
engines are on the rails or any other manufacturer's engines with an
address of 55 are on the rails. MTH engines will listen for commands
coming to engine address 55 when the 55-55-55 reset is enabled even
though they are not programmed as address 55
Enter PoM mode on your DCC handheld and write a value of 55 to
CV55. Again, even though your MTH engine is NOT on address 55
it will still listen for this reset command
Call up address 3 on your DCC handheld and hit F3. The engine should
now start-up
If you have performed the 55-55-55 reset and the engine still doesn't respond then
place the engine on the programming track output of your DCC system and program
a value of 3 to CV1. This will set the engine's short address to 3. However, as long as
the engine is NOT programmed as address 55 then the 55-55-55 reset will always set
the engine's long and short addresses back to their factory defaults. It will also set the
engine's addressing back to short (if you happened to have CV29 set to long
The 55-55-55 Reset can be confusing at first but the main point to note is that you are
NOT setting the engine's address to 55 to perform the reset, you are just calling up
engine address 55 on your DCC handheld and sending a value of 55 to CV55. Again,
MTH engine's will listen to the 55-55-55 reset command even though the engine's
address isn't actually 55 (and it can't be for the 55-55-55 reset to work).
Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound® 3.0