Issue No: 12/2015-01 Rev: 01
3. How to make the Roll text fi le
To create a new fi le named SCROLL.TXT, use TXT tools to open, just like the below picture
Then enter the text you need, save as ANSI code, than copy this fi le into root directory of
USB/SD card. (note: Setup Roll Text at “on” mode).
4. How to make LOGO fi le
First, choose one JPG fi le as Logo fi le (resoluti on is 120px x 60px), named as JIAOBIAO.LOG
Then, copy this fi le into the root directory of memory card. Note: Please make Logo setup
opti on at “on” mode, on ti me 60sec and off ti me “0” sec. if required diff erent, adjust the
on and off ti me.
5. Play log
In the Setti ng menu, please make Play Log at “on” mode fi rst, then you could fi nd LOG.
TXT fi le in the root directory of memory card. You will see it as LOG.XLS.