Function Failure Alarm on control panel
When power pack doesn’t work properly, there will be
corresponding error code displayed on control panel in time:
Please check details from troubleshooting page.
Maintaining Spa Water
Poor water quality can be extremely hazardous to your health.
We recommend you do following things:
A: Please use filter cartridge.
Screw the filter onto the water inlet on the spa wall by turning it clockwise.
Do not use filter cartridge when only to heat water and to ensure
good heating performance. To avoid that the filter cartridge get damaged,
you take it off when there are children in the pool or more than two persons.
After finish bathing replace the filter cartridge.
B: Clean your filter cartridge at least once a time after it worked continuously for 72~120 hours. The filter
cartridge should be replaced at least once a month depending on use.
Please make sure to unplug the power pack from the
electrical receptacle before the following actions.
1. Unscrew the filter cartridge by turning it counterclockwise.
2. The Filter Cartridge can be rinsed off with a garden hose
and reused. However, if the Filter Cartridge remains soiled
and discolored the Filter Cartridge should be replaced .
The MSpa filter cartridge has a lifetime of approx. 6 weeks even if you take if off, clean and rinse it through
fresh water (no hot water). If the “paper walls” in your filter still look at new, it can be used a few weeks
more. It is able to maintain the best water quality that you should have some more filters available so you
can change to a clean filter once a week while the other is being cleaned. Let the cleaned filter to be totally
dry before using it again.If your water quality contains earth particles or iron particles you would have to
change your filter more often or buy some extra.
C: Change water every few days or use appropriate pool chemicals. All spas require the use of pool
chemicals. Please consult your local pool supply retailer for more information about chemical
maintenance. Pay close attention to the chemical manufacturer’s instructions. Spa damage resulting from
misuse of chemicals and mismanagement of spa water is not covered by the warranty.
a. Water Balance: we recommend maintain your water pH between 7.2 and 7.8, total alkalinity between 80
and 120ppm and free chlorine between 3 to 5ppm. Use test strip to test your water chemistry before each
use of the spa, no less than once per week. Low pH will damage to the spa and pump.
Damaged resulting from chemical imbalance is not covered by the warranty.
b. Water Sanitation: Water Sanitation is the responsibility of the spa owner, achieved through the regular
and periodic (daily, if necessary) addition of an approved sanitizer. The sanitizer will chemically control the
bacteria and viruses present in the fill water or introduced during use of the spa.
1. You must not use chemicals you have in your house or any leftovers from an outdoor
inflated pool or a swimming pool.
2. Do not use chlorine tablets but use chlorine powder and dissolve first in a bottle.
3. Do not mix the water with bath oil or something like that, otherwise the pool can be
4. Do only use clean freshwater and not salt water that will damage the pump.