Camera Lens
Frame per secretary.
Capture Resolution
Lens Wide Angle
Exposed Contro l
Image Format
Power Consumption
Operation System
I/O Interfa ce
USB Microphone
LED Light
Infra red Light
1/4 CMOS sensor 5G Glass Lens
VGA Format 640x480
640x480, 352x288, 320x240, 176x144, 160x120
15fbs@640x480 and 30fbs @ 352x288
Up to 640x480 (iteration 1280x960)
3cm ~ infinity
56 degree diagonal
Full Run: 2w typical
Windows 98/2000/Me/XP
USB 1.1 Full Speed
3 high bright white LED light
0~2m high power
St ar Cam Mini PC Cam is a PC Cam er a us ing US B
int er fac e. Fi nd the fol lowi ng item s when unp ac ki ng:
1. St ar Cam 370 i - Web Cam er a
2. Sof twar e Pack CD
3. Qui ck Gui de
Syst em Requi rem ent
To ins tal l St ar Cam , yo ur co mput er sy st em nee ds to meet
the fol lowi ng requ irem ent s:
Int el Pent ium 4/ III/II/Cel er on
, AM D K6/ At hl on or
co mpat ibl e wi th US B co nne ct or
2. Oper at ion Sys tem Suppo rt: Windo ws XP/ 200 0/ Me/ 98
3. 64MB of sy st em mem or y
4. VG A su ppo rt, mini mum 640 x4 80 res ol ut ion
5. Ins tal lat ion so ftwar e requ ires CD -RO M dr ive
6. An opt iona l mode m or a LAN ca rd may be requ ired for
co nf er enc e ca ll
7. Har d di sk wi th 50MB free sp ac e or abo ve
Speci ficat ion
To ins tal l the dr ive r of MSI St ar Cam , fol low the ins truc tions bel ow: :
1. Tur n on the co mput er.
2. Ins er t the pr ov ided dr ive r di sk int o CD -RO M, and the aut o run
Set up pr ogr am sh oul d be ac tiva ted.
3. Cl ick Ins tal l MSI St ar Cam 370 i Dr ive r, and then cl ick Next to
co nt inue .
4. Fol low the on- sc reen ins truc tions to co nt inue the ins tal lat ion.
5. Cl ick Fi ni sh to co mpl et e the ins tal lat ion and res tar t the
sy st em .
6. Connec t the St ar Cam to the US B por t.
7. Onc e the St ar Cam is co nne ct ed to the co mput er, the sy st em
wi ll det ec t the new US B dev ice and co nf igur e the dev ice .
Aut om at ica lly.
8. To ins tal l the MSI My Guar d pr ogr am , si mpl y cl ick the Ins tal l
MSI My Guar d, and fol low the on- sc reen ins truc tions to
co nt inue the ins tal lat ion.
Cra 53 # 50-51 Locales 207-208 Pbx: (4)512 78 30
Fax: (4)512 75 94 e-mail: [email protected] www.suconel.com