BIOS Item Contents
Console Redirection Settings (Out-of-Band Management)
Out-of-Band Mgmt Port
This setting specifies the Out-of-Band Management Port.
Terminal Type EMS (Windows Emergency Management Service)
You can select the type of terminal device for console redirection from this setting.
is the preferred terminal type for the out-of-band management. The
next best choice is
and then
. See above in
Console Redirection
page for more help with Terminal Type/ Emulation.
Flow Control EMS (Windows Emergency Management Service)
Flow control is the process of managing the rate of data transmission between
two nodes. It’s the process of adjusting the flow of data from one device to another
to ensure that the receiving device can handle all of the incoming data. This is
particularly important where the sending device is capable of sending data much
faster than the receiving device can receive it.
Bits per second EMS, Data Bits EMS, Parity EMS, Stop Bits EMS
This setting specifies the transfer rate of Console Redirection.