T wo T y p e s o f M S B Pow e r
The Power Bases provides regulated, clean
DC power to MSB products. There are two
types of MSB power supplies. There are
those with analog signals present and those
that are strictly digital.
Products that have mixed digital and analog
signals are the Analog DAC, DAC V and
Products that are purely digital are DATA CD
V, Transports and Digital processors.
This Power Base can provide one analog
output and one digital output.
12 Volt Remote Trigger
This power supply is equipped with a remote
trigger for use with other MSB products. The
trigger uses a headphone jack. When any
MSB product is turned off, the other products
connected will also turn off and vice-versa.
The connector is wired as shown. If you con-
nect “signal” to “ground”, all MSB products
will turn off. If you connect “signal” to “12
V”, all MSB products will turn on.
Power Indicator
The switch on the back of the unit turns the
output power on and off. The switch will
show green when powered on, and red when
off. If the remote trigger is used to turn on or
off the unit, the switch may be in the wrong
position but the color will indicate it is be-
ing controlled by another source as shown
in the table.
8 pin DIN Mixed Supply
for DAC or ADC
Optional 5
pin DIN 12 V
Transport Supply
8 pin DIN Mixed Supply
Optional 5 pin DIN 12 V Transport Supply
12 Volt Remote Trigger wiring.
If the signal is pulled low:
Unit will turn off.
If the signal is pulled down with a 50K resistor:
Unit will go to standby.
If the signal is left floating:
Unit will remain on.
If the signal is driven with 12 V:
Unit will turn on and switch will be ignored.
Power Supply LED Color Table
Green: The unit is on and operating
Amber: The switch for the unit is on, but the 12V trigger has turned it off, OR, the switch for the unit is on, but the protection has shut if off because of overheating
or over voltage.
Red: The switch is in the Off position.
Off: The switch for the unit is off but the 12 V trigger has turned the unit on, overriding the switch, OR, there is no power due to a blown fuse or no power
Note: Push connector firmly
in with a 2 step process.
Adapter cable for connection to non-MSB Products