Front Panel Controls
Frequency and Volume Display – The actual sampling frequency of the incoming signal is displayed. This is not the normal display of the
frequency reported by the decoder, which, for example, would always read 44.1 kHz even if the transport was playing at 44.3 kHz. The
MSB frequency counter displays actual frequency so don’t be surprised if some lower cost DVD transports fail to produce an accurate
playback speed.
The volume is displayed whenever the volume is adjusted. It is shown as attenuation in dB. At 0 dB, the volume control is disconnected
and the DAC works as if the feature was removed.
DAC Option – This is reserved for future features.
Input Select – Each of the six inputs can be selected manually, or the auto mode can be selected. The auto mode is an automatic priority
switching with auto signal detection. In either case, active sources light up the input LED at half brightness, and the selected source at
full brightness.
Filter Option - The Filter Option button allows you to select each of the two standard filters programmed into the DSP. The Filter Option
button also allows you to cancel any temporary filter that has been loaded (See the Temporary Loadable Filter section). The Filter Option
Button Out is the preferred filter setting of MSB. This filter has been optimized for extremely flat pass band response, excellent tonal
balance and perfect phase response. This Filter is a 3000+ tap symmetrical “brick wall” FIR with extended high frequency response and
a very low image energy of -180 db. This Setting is the most tonally neutral of the two standard filter settings. The Filter Option Button
In attenuates the High Frequency content of all digital sources a small amount to reduce brightness in already harsh sounding systems.
Toggling the Filter Option Button will cancel any externally loaded Temporary Custom Filter which may be active.
Phase Invert - Toggling the Phase Invert button will change the absolute phase of the unit. There are some recordings that "accidentally"
swap the phase. For those who are phase sensitive, we always include this option. The phase of the outputs is inverted digitally.
Input/Volume Knob - The large knob will select between inputs if the volume control option is not installed. The INPUT button on the front
of the unit will also switch between inputs. If the AUTO input is selected, the unit will automatically switch inputs based on a priority
(from left to right - Analog = lowest priority, MSB 2 = highest priority). When a source with a higher priority becomes active, the unit will
automatically switch to the new higher priority input. Toggling through the inputs manually will defeat any auto
switching. When the volume control module is installed, the knob becomes the volume control. This knob
adjusts the volume between 0 dB and -63 dB. Our 0 dB actually equates to a +6 dB of gain in relation to the
industry standard 2 Vrms level.
Display Dim - Press and hold input on the front panel and press “mode” on the remote. The display
is turned off. When changes are made, the display will show them briefly. Repeat the function
to turn the display back on or disconnect the power for a moment.
Remote Control
Mute – Mutes the analog outputs. Causes the display to flash the volume
setting, even in the display dim mode.
Mode – Steps through the 6 inputs. When holding the front panel input
button turns the display dim mode on and off.
Volume up and down – Steps the volume up and down in 2 db steps.
4 square buttons – Controls for the CD player version of the product.
Batteries – The remote control contains two AAA batteries.
The same remote works with the Platinum CD player and the Platinum
volume control. If using the DAC III with a Platinum volume control,