Rear Panel Analog Details
Analog Single-Ended RCA Output
– This is the primary single ended RCA analog output. For optimum performance, use this output as
the DAC is fundamentally single-ended.
Analog Balanced XLR Output
– This is the balanced XLR analog output. This is an alternate output format.
Analog Single-Ended RCA Input
– This is the single-ended analog input. This input is passed to the output with no change unless a volume
option is installed. When the volume control is installed, this input is also. With advanced control options, this input can be either volume
controlled or not, depending on the menu settings. This input is ideal for adding a vinyl input to your system. Minimum input impedance
is 2 kohms. At 0 dB volume setting, the analog inputs are a direct pass-through. This input should be terminated when not in use.
Rear Panel Power Input
Power Input
– This product must be plugged into a Platinum power base with both analog and digital supplies. It will work with both
the Analog DAC desktop supply, Analog DAC power base or any of the DAC IV power bases.
Rear Panel Control Module
Control Interface
– This optional interface allows the DAC to be controlled using a web based system This module would need to
connect to a computer network.
– The RS-232 optional
interface is used for controlling
the DAC with a system controller.
R e a r Pa n e l D i g i ta l
Inputs - (Three Module
T h e A n a l o g D A C c a n
accommodate up to three input
modules at one time, but they can
be easily swapped in and out as
your system changes. The order
of the modules determines the
priority of input selection in the
auto select mode. The highest
priority input will always interrupt
the lower priority. So if you have a
source that is always on, it should
be set as the lowest priority so any
other source can interrupt it. The
highest priority input is closest to
the analog outputs.
Each module is described below.