Insert the USB Cable into an available USB port. Your computer will recognize the USB device and make
the proper settings to enable you to operate your keyboard. Click on any button on your keyboard to
connect with the computer.
Function keys:
Home---Press this button to go to the default home page.
Mail---Press this button to activate the email system.
Search---Press this button to bring up “Search Windows” for Wed address. Press this button again to
close “Search Windows”
Refresh---Update the current page.
Favorites---Press this button to bring up “My Favorite Windows”. Press this button again to close “My
Favorite Windows”
Media----Press this button to active “Windows media player”.
Play/Pause---Press this button to begin with a CD or a video file (or to restart after pause).During
playback press this key to pause the playback. Press it again to resume playback on current position.
Stop---Stop playing the media.
Previous---Press this button to set media back by one track. During playback of a video file. Depress this
button to cause the player to rapidly reverse its playback direction. Press this button once to skip back
to the beginning of current track. Press this button twice to skip back to the beginning of previous track.
Next---Press this button to instruct the CD player to queue up beginning of the next Track. During
playback in a video file. Depress this button to make the player to fast forward.
Mute---Press this button to mute sound. Press it again to resume sound.
+Vol---Press this button to increase Volume.
-Vol---Press this button to decrease Volume.