(6) Install Drain Clamp (For Model MTW04RO only)
• Position drain clamp on drain pipe above the drain trap and ti ghten securely.
• Using the drain clamp as a guide, drill a 6mm hole, enough for the 1/4" tubing to pass, through one side of the
drain pipe.
drill through both sides.
Install filter cartridges
to water purifier by taking off the front panel and follow the directions according to
the labels indicated above. After filters are installed, cover the front panel.
(8) For First Use
•Open Inlet Ball Valve, connect power supply and power on. The machine will start producing water. During this
period, the switch for heating should be off.
•After the machine completes water production (White light around the big button in the middle), shut off the
power supply. Connect the silicon tube to drain off hot water tank and the other end to a bucket to drain out
all of the water in the tank.
•Power on again to prompt the machine to produce water and then drain the water out of the tank after water
production is completed. Repeat this process 2 to 3 times to flush the machine. During this process, pay close
attention to all connections to check for leaks.
•After flushing, remove the silicon tube and pack it up. Block the drain of hot water tank.
Page 6
How To Install
When cutting the tubing make clean, square, cuts, failing to do so result in poor connection
and possible leaks.
It is recommended to install the RO waste water drain clamp above the drain p-trap. There
should be no sag in the line as this may cause excessive noise as the reject water is flowing to
Fig 3.4
Fig 3.5