Chapter 5 Operation Guide
Meanwhile, the switching bar will turn out to be type select which includes 6 sample
types, as well as clear option. Choose the right sample type, the optional bar will change
accordingly, then click corresponding wells of the main display area to finish the settings.
Note: the whole plate can be set if clicking the blank area on top left corner of the
main display area.
With white color on the interface, it is as blank control
during running measurement. All blanks are duplicate
wells in a same group.
Standard sample well which is used for creating standard
curve, it is with green color. The optional bar will changed
after clicking “Standard”, see Fig 9.
Replicates: switch it on when setting the same
standard for multiple wells.
Concentrations: After setting the concentration and
unit of the first well, the protocol will finish subsequent
standard samples automatically according to the set
operator and step size, also
users can modify by
manual by clicking corresponding wells.
If the set concentration is 125ng/μL, the
operator is “×” and the step size is “2”, the
concentration of the first well should be 125ng/μL, the
second well 250ng/μL and the third 500ng/μL… etc.
Sample groups: one sample group can have one
standard curve.
For quality control during tests, it is with light green. It
includes replicates and sample group, settings are the
same as wells of standard samples.
With blue color, users can set several wells as unknown
well, besides replicates and sample group, it has another
option “Factor” for the dilution times of the solution, so as
to get the concentration of the solution directly.
1: X means a solution was diluted by X times
With orange color, users can set several wells as positive,
as well as sample groups.
With purple, also several wells can be set as negative,
and sample groups as well.