either clear the entire route, add or delete turnouts in the route or
create a new route.
Some experimentation by the user is needed to select specific
routes. Depending on the complexity of your layout, not all route
directions may be achieved just by using the Route L or Route R
buttons. A few turnouts may have to be operated independently
from your route settings to achieve the desired routing of your train.
For non-MRC
DCC users:
The MRC Dispatcher Trackside Decoders use mobile decoder
addresses and functions. For setting routes, you need to use your
Locomotive Consisting feature to set up routes with the MRC
Dispatcher Trackside Decoders. Please consult your system’s
user manual for setting up locomotive consists.
Wangrow & NCE users follow instructions for “Old Style Consists”
NCE users must set the speed step to either 14 or 28 by using the
speed step button on the handheld, labeled 28/128 – F12 to acquire
the Decoders.
Controlling Other Accessories (Building Lights)
You can use your Dispatcher Trackside Decoder (item AD360) to
operate other accessories such as building lights, street lights, or any
other electrical accessory on your layout that needs to be turned on or
off. As stated previously, the Dispatcher Trackside Decoder does not
power the accessory; it just turns it on or off. The decoder can handle
up to 3 amps.
Imagine being able to turn on the light in one building or a group of
buildings with the touch of a button, from anywhere around your
layout. You can hook up just one building to a decoder or a whole
street of buildings. With the Route setting feature, you can turn part
of the city, the whole city, or whatever today. Tomorrow you can set up
a new route and turn on a different part of the city.