MRC 0001952 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2


It is quite a challenge to install the decoder in your loco. You should have some
basic electrical knowledge. In all decoder installations, you must isolate the chassis
and motor from the wheel pick ups, otherwise the decoder will be damaged. The
decoder is inserted between the pickups and motor leads. If you are not sure how to
install the decoder, please ask the DCC dealer for help in installation.

Note: To install this decoder, you must file 2 small tabs off the chassis halves,
this may void your locomotives warranty.

Refer to the instructions that came with your Kato GG-1 locomotive for removal of
the body shell. Remove the original circuit board by sliding it up and out. Even
though the GG-1 body shell is symetrical, the chassis is not. There are 6 tabs
facing upwards on the top of the chassis halves, [3-left side/3 right side]. The two
larger tabs at each end of the chasis fit into notches on the decoder board, facing
the decoder in it’s proper orientation on the chassis, [the speaker sits directly over
motor brush tabs, large opening].The two smaller tabs, 

[ see photo below ]


must be filed flat, or clipped with cutting pliers first and then filed flat, flush with the top
of the chasis halves, so the decoder board sits flush on top of the chassis. 

Use care

when filing metal as to avoid any metal filings from getting lodged in the
motor or drive train,  We reccomend to apply tape to cover chassis before

There are four contact strips on the outer edges of the decoder that must be

bent down at a 45 degree angle, with a little 


 bend at the ends as picture shown,

to make contact with the chassis halves.

Before installing the decoder, 

you must apply two small pieces of insulating

tape on each side of the chassis, inside of the motor contact slots. Apply all the
way to bottom of the slots. Do not cover the copper motor brush tabs. These tabs
need to contact to the decoder’s motor contacts. Use a # 11 blade to burnish the
tape to the inside of the chassis halves. 

[ see photo below ]

. Also apply tape on the

outside of the decoder’s motor brush feed contacts. You may need to bend the
decoder’s motor brush feed contacts slightly inward to make positive contact with
the motor brush tabs. Slide these tabs and the decoder downward on the chassis,
making sure to align the notches in the decoder with the four remaining chasis
tabs. Seat the decoder flush on the top of the chassis. Make sure the decoders
four contact strips are making good electrical contact with the chassis halves. The
speaker must face upwards and sit in the hole on the decoder board. Re-check
your installation, then test run the chassis with installed decoder on the test track.
If the decoder installation passes, Install the body shell. Now your GG-1 is ready to
go to work on your railroad.


We strongly recommend building a test track with a 27 ohm resistor to limit current.
Only test your installed decoder on the test track. The test track will reduce the
chance of damaging your decoder due to an incorrectly installed decoder.


The decoder has been programmed to address #3, 28/128 speed steps. To test,
place the loco on the test track. Select address #3 and 28 speed step. Move up
the throttle and the loco should move. Push the light button [F0] and headlight
should come on. Change the direction of the loco and the loco should change
direction.  The loco cannot reach full speed, due to the resistor. If all the above
occurs, you passed the test. Congratulations! Do not run the loco for an
extended period of time on the test track or the resistor will overheat.


f your

installed decoder does not pass the test, find the problem, correct it and test it again.
As long as you test the decoder on the test track there is little chance of damaging
the decoder. This is why the test track is so important.


You can use F12 or CV 123 to turn off the traction motor sounds. You can use F19
or CV50 to select 22 different horn sounds and use F18 or CV52 to select 8 different
bell sounds. With MRC Prodigy Advance


 DCC which has 28 functions, you can

easily setup and access all the decoder’s functions. If not,  you may not be able to
access all the features of the decoder. And you have to use the CV program to setup
the decoder.
CV117 controls the function of headlight. CV117=0 sets nornal directional on/off.
CV117=2 sets rule 17 light effect. CV117=3 sets three cycles light effect (off,
dim and bright)
The decoder can also be operated by a regular DC power pack. This will give
you synchronized engine sounds only. If you wish to enjoy the full array of
sound functions using your DC power pack, the unique MRC Blackbox (item
#0001050) or Tech 6 (item #0001200) for DC operation will allow you to control
all of the sounds in your sound equipped locomotives. And, the MRC Blackbox
and Tech 6 are easy to setup and use.

Note: Bell, Dynamic Brake, and Rail Wheel Clack cannot play at the same time.

Remove these two
small tabs

Apply tape all the way to the bottom to prevent
the motor contacts from touching the chassis

Apply tape

Apply tape




Headlight on/off or rule 17 or cycle of dim, bright, off


Bell on/off




Short air release 


Coupler cut lever


Brake release (idle) / brake squeal (moving)


Dynamic brakes


Air hose firing/uncoupling lever


Not used


Engine cooling fan 


Rail wheel clack (only moving)


Traction air compressor  on/off


Traction Motors off and horn on


Short air release


Coupler crash


Air compressor


Flange squeal


Air release


Change bell type (use F1 to turn off bell after adjustment)


Horn type select 


Associated loco sound


Change bell volume (use F1 to turn off bell after adjustment)


Change horn  volume


Change traction motor volume


Safety valve pop


 Air release


Flange noise


Sand release


Air release

DCC base unit

Power supply

Test track

27 ohm resistor

Figure 3. Diagram of test track

Bend 4 pickup contacts as shown

Tape the outside
of motor contacts
