Assembly Manual
NixieTherm RGB
Page 3
If everything is ok. we will start assembling the IN-13 tube and the scale
Pick up the scale and remove first the protective film on the side facing away from the engraving a
little bit.
remove the inner cut-out of the scale (the tube’s outline), as it was used only for
transportation protection. Next pick up the two tube clips and remove also the protective films from
both sides. Now fix the scale upside down in a small vise.
Attention: Please secure the jaws with Gaffer tape or use another protection to avoid
scratching the scale.
Gently push the two clips into the scale with
their cutout facing to the rear of the scale.
Next insert the tube in correct direction, the
anode grid is on front side; the fully mirrored
surface with the imprint is on the rear side.
Apply two M3 x 10 screws to secure the two
LED covers (do not forget to remove the
protective film) and the two mounting
brackets on the scale. Please do not fasten
the screws too hard.
Install the covers in that way that the oval
cutout is facing to the tube’s buttom, the
small rectangular cutout to the later to be
attached PCB.
Before fastening the second screw
compress the sides of the scale to be sure,
that the tube clamb next to the LED covers will
proper fit into the cutout of the scale.
Align the mounting height of the tube that the
yellow / red mark on the tube’s glas will match
the 14°C line of the scale.
Thread now carefully the three wires of the
tube through the cutout in the PCB without
crossing each other, place the scale on the
PCB as shown and secure it with two M3 x 6
self-tapping screws.
Cut the pink rubber tube in two halves and
it over the outer wires of the IN-13 tube
all the way down through the cutout
Now solder all three wires of the tube with it’s
soldering pads and cut the protruding wires.