Tomato Cherry Camp Joy
Sow early Spring to Summer.
These sweet, juicy fruits are fast growing and make for the perfect addition to school lunch boxes –
have them as a snack, in salads, or hot dishes too.
Step 1
Put the Jiffy ® soil pellet soil in the base of the greenhouse (see “Getting Started”
Step 2
Press half-a-fi ngernail deep holes 4cm apart in the soil. Pop a tomato seed into each hole
and carefully cover it with soil. Water gently until the soil is moist, then put the top on the
greenhouse and place on a light windowsill.
Step 3
When the seedlings appear in 10-14 days, open the ventilation
fl aps in the greenhouse roof. After about a week, remove the
top of the greenhouse. In Spring and Summer, put the tomatoes
outside during the day and bring them in again at night. Do this
for a few days to get them used to the outside conditions.
Step 4
Carefully lift your tomato plant from the soil – try not to break the
roots, and be careful when handling the stems. Make a planting
hole for them in a sunny garden bed outside, making sure its
roots are planted about 50cm apart from your other plants. For
best results, you may want to support these plants with a stake.
Step 5
Water daily, and pinch out the side shoots as they appear. Once
red and ripe, pick the tomatoes and enjoy!
Lots of people think
tomatoes are a vegetable,
but they’re really a fruit!
You can also grow other herbs,
veggies and fl owers in your
greenhouse! Check out the rest of
the Little Gardeners range today.
When moving seedlings,
make sure you only handle the
leaves and not the stem as
that can damage them.
Greenhouses have been
around since ancient Rome!
Mr Fothergill’s Seeds
Australia: PO Box 6065,
South Windsor, NSW 2756
This is not a toy. Contains plastic bag. To avoid danger of suffocation, keep away from
babies and children. Please knot the bag before throwing away.
Small parts and expanding soil are possible choking hazards.
Not suitable for children under 3 years of age - parental supervision is recommended.