Connectivity Troubleshooting
Common connectivity troubleshooting steps.
1. I can’t connect my device to Alexa.
Check that your Alexa device and the Alexa app have the latest software
Make sure that your Alexa device and your Christmas Tree are connected to
the same Wi-Fi network.
Check that your device is within 30 ft. (9 m) of your Christmas Tree.
Reset your Christmas Tree: press and hold the button on the control box for 10
seconds to reset the Christmas tree.
2. I can’t get my Christmas Tree barcode to successfully scan.
During the Alexa mobile app setup process, select “Don’t Have a Barcode”
Follow the on-screen instructions.
My Christmas Tree stopped working with Alexa.
Try a power cycle: Unplug your Christmas Tree from the outlet, and then plug
it back in.
UGS (User-guided mode set up: Press and hold the button on the control box
of the tree for 5-9 seconds. Indication of action done: 3 flashes of red light.
Full reset your Christmas Tree: Press and hold the button on the control box of
the tree for 10 seconds. Indication of action done: 3 flashes of white light.