MP Gas Controls S.p.A.
Instructions for installation, use and maintenance
Art. 401
Compile: R.A.
Rev.0 del 01/21
Pag. 8 of 11
Art. 401
Thermocouple fixing
Fix the thermocouple to the gas valve according to the kind of connection provided, as shown on
fig. 2
fig. 2
Threaded connection:
screw-in the nut of thermocouple with a torque of 4 Nm max.
Quick connection:
insert the thermocouple connection till the end.
Fast-on connection:
connect the thermocouple terminal to the fast-on.
Available magnet-on and magnet-off currents:
200 / 80 mA
290 / 110 mA
200 / 40 mA
• 180 / 40 mA