ThinkCore W311/321/341 Linux User’s Manual
Tool Chains for Application Development
Using the BASH Shell
A command-line interface is used to develop applications with the tool chain. To access the
command line, you need to launch a BASH shell window.
To open a BASH shell window, choose
Start Menu
UC Tool Chain
Bash Shell
, or click on the desktop
Moxa Bash Shell
Your group is currently “mkpasswd”. This indicates that
The /etc/passwd (and possibly /etc/group) files should be rebuil
See the man pages for mkpasswd and mkgroup then, for example, ru
mkpasswd –l [-d] > /etc/passwd
mkpasswd –l [-d] > /etc/group
Note that the –d switch is necessary for domain users.
stephen_lin@abc-06d82fcbf1a /
$ ls –al
total 9
drwxr—xr-x 8 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 17:24 .
drwxr—xr-x 8 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 17:24 ..
drwxr—xr-x 2 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 19:48 bin
drwxr—xr-x 7 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 19:24 etc
-rw-r--r-- 1 stephen_ mkpasswd 3262 Jan 10 22:03 insight.ico
drwxr—xr-x 5 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 19:48 lib
-rwxr—xr-x 1 stephen_ mkpasswd 53 Jan 10 22:03 moxa.bat
-rw-r--r-- 1 stephen_ mkpasswd 3262 Jan 10 22:03 moxa.ico
drwxr—xr-x 2 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 19:48 tmp
drwxr—xr-x 14 stephen_ mkpasswd
0 Jan 10 19:48 usr
drwxr—xr-x 6 stephen_ mkpasswd 0 Jan 10 18:12 var
stephen_lin@abc-06d82fcbf1a /
$ _